New to this site. Need support, recipes and periodic help

I am brand new to this site and was with another site for a few years. However, my nutritionist suggested this site since the other one I was using took me so much time to journal my food intake. Unfortunately, they did not have a large data base of basic foods used and people need to enter all the nutritional values before they can save that, to use again and then enter it in the journal.

The one thing I will miss more than anything is the closeness and compassion and interest in all the members. They treat you like family and really help with encouragement, ideas, recieps and even help with specific issues that some people are dealing with.
Example of this is that I am diabetic and got a lot of help from so many of the people I met on that site.

However, due to the length of time it takes to log and get the info on the food that you eat, I have not been on the site for some time. So it's time to try something else.

Any suggestions or ideas, areas of this site that will help in losing weight, sharing recipes with nutitional values? Is there a way to make a recipe you use often with all the ingredients so you can just go to that and ener that item?? If yes to any of these quesitons can someone help me by telling me where to ffind this nfol

Looking for healthy baked goods and sides etc for Christmas. Maybe the "re-inventing" of old traditional recipes that are loaded with things not so healthy.

Look forward to hearing back from anyone that is willing to help me get started on a pathway to a healthier lifest
Thank you for and help and guidance from people from this website.



  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi! Welcome to mfp! I add in recipes all the time, you can add them in if you have the nutritional information, or you can add them in if you only have the ingredients. It's very easy. Go up to the food tab, and then if you are adding in a food that you have the nutritional info then go to My Foods and then Create Food. If you are adding in a recipe of yours and you don't have the calories and all that, go to Recipes (still under the food tab) and then Enter New Recipe. I do it all the time and then when I go back and make the same meal again it's already saved for me. It's very helpful! If you like new recipes, people are always posting great recipes in the recipe forum. MFP is a fun site to use and if you lose motivation, sometimes other people's energy is enough motivation to keep you going!
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I'm not much of a baker, but it's nice to have new friends :)