how?? do you do it?

:frown: Okay. I know this will sound lame... but how do you find the time and motivation?

I am a single mother of three (2 boys at home).

I'm out of the house at least 12 hours per day, working across town.

I'm over 40.

I still have to come home, make dinner, do the dishes, etc.

So with all of that, how do you find the time and the motivation to work out? I'm so so so tired on a daily basis. I'm not a morning person and cannot see getting up and working out at 5:00 in the morning (yes, I know people do it).

I'm not trying to come up with excuses? But I'm definely not 25 anymore. So please tell me how you did it and what you told yourself - your internal dialogue.

Thank you!!


  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I have to workout in the mornings otherwise I never get to it. So before I got hurt I got up every morning and ran, now I get up every morning and do a workout DVD. It was hard in the begining and once you get in the routine it works just fine.

    I have two kids (teenagers) might as well be little ones cause they don't clean up anything :smile:

    I work full time - cook clean mow the lawn etc and also sometimes travel for business

    If you put you mind to anything you can do it !!!
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    In the long run it will make you less tired. The better shape you are in, the less tiring everyday life is.

    Can you do anything at work? A lot of people have success walking on their lunch breaks. Its a start at least.
  • JeffinRaleigh
    In the long run it will make you less tired. The better shape you are in, the less tiring everyday life is.

    Can you do anything at work? A lot of people have success walking on their lunch breaks. Its a start at least.
    I was going to suggest this. If your building has stairs, you can do a little climbing at lunch or on your break (s) and get a little work in. Or you could possibly take a pair of running shoes to work and go walking outside for a bit at lunch.

    Another alternative might be workouts you can do seated at your desk. Google it and you should get a few hits.
  • lisab0864
    You just do it.. If you can't (or won't) do it at night then you do it in the morning.. It doesn't take time to eat right (and that is at least 80% of weight control - be it loss or maintenance) and you really don't need as much exercise as "they" say you do. I lost all my weight (50 lbs) w/only limiting/watching my calories and walking 30 minutes a day most days of the week (most of the time it was in 2-15 minute blocks). The fitter/healthier you get the less tired you will feel.. Your only other choice is to continue the way you are -- fine if you are happy w/the way you are but if you aren't.................then really why cheat yourself out of your best life.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I've never ever been a morning person, but I started going to the gym at 5:30am several months ago (which I swear has always sounded absolutely INSANE to me any time I'd hear of someone else doing it.) I've found that it's the one time of day I can't make excuses. Nothing needs to be done at 5:30. But I need to be healthier. I need to feel better and have more energy. And I know I'll feel awesome as soon as it's done. You could do something like 30 Day Shred that takes 20 minutes but really gets your blood pumping. I'm sure waking up 20 minutes earlier isn't impossible. I work 2nd shift and have 3 kids (one of them being a very fast crawling trouble making baby!), so I can totally understand being tired. Most nights I don't get to bed til 11 or midnight. But I guess I've just decided it's worth it to get up early and workout. And I actually have more energy then when I slept til 7 or 8 and didn't workout! On the weekends I run whenever it fits into my day. It's almost always in the morning, but I let myself sleep in then go for a run around maybe 9 or 10ish. I agree with the person who suggested walking on your breaks at work or something. I have a friend on here with a desk job that actually got a little bike peddle thing for under her desk on amazon. She just peddles away while she works. Maybe that's something worth looking into. Good luck! You can do it!
  • TKCG74
    TKCG74 Posts: 9 Member
    I would suggest trying to fine someone with a smilar routine as you. Find/make a time to start working out three times a week. It really helps to suffer with someone else. Then, crack the whip at home and get those boys moving. Make them under stand this is important to you and they are going to pitch in or else. If Moma anit happy, no ones happy.

    BTW, I am the one who suffers with my wife. We have a very full plate with kids too. We make it happen. Your life will be better for it!

    Good luck!!!!!!!:smile:
  • nailtechbec
    nailtechbec Posts: 93 Member
    I found doing jillian michaels 30 day shred worked well, it only takes 20 minutes a day and you really can't talk yourself out of 20 minutes, you could probably do it while dinners in the oven, you'll feel so much better once you've started and then the motivation comes easier when you're feeling good !
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    How old are you kids? Can they be alone for at least 15 - 30 minutes so you can get a workout done? It's hard getting up early but once you get used to it, it become a routine. I use the Walking Away the Pound series, they are 15 minute increments. I just start out with the one mile which is 15 minutes and then take it from there. During your lunch, you can walk around the block a few times. I remember when my son was a toddler, I didn't work out in the evenings until he was sleep. If I was able to work out earlier, James would be in the corner kicking his legs, etc...saying he was working out with me...hahaha. Today is he is my biggest supporter.

    I know how tiresome it can be because I'm a single mom too but if this is something you truly want to do, then you will definitely find the time to do it. All it takes are little steps at first..
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Have you ever had that thought that just stuck in your brain when you said to yourself, This is it. This is the time. No more excuses, no more putting it off or trying it next week. That’s when it hit for me. I now exercise one hour in the am and one hour in the pm. I thought exercise was hard at first at my start weight of 275, but now it has become easier and a new part of who I am. If it is worth while to you to change yourself, you seem to find ways to work in some exercise of some sort. I do not do everything perfect, and still have some bad choice days, but I now do everything with the thought in mind that I am taking care of myself and my future me plans, and I feel so much better with still such a long journey to go. Honestly, when the time is right for you- You will make that decision to make it work. Leslie Sanson walking DVD's started me thinking I could do this. Walk at home? How easy is that ! My new favorite saying, “Be Miserable or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.”
    good luck on your journey.
  • Ariana_75
    If it's important to you, you make time.. Tough but true! There are many people in your situation (myself included) busting *kitten* to get things done every single day. Meal planning and crock pots are life saviors!
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    You just have to decide you are going to make time for it. It really is that simple (but not easy) to do. I workout in the evening, right after the kids go to bed. I put on my workout clothes before I put them in bed, so I'm ready to go and don't just end up sitting on the couch all night.

    You have some good suggestions here for working out at home. DVDs are great. DVDs with schedules that you can follow are even better. Just make sure it's something that works with your lifestyle.

    Think about it--you have 168 hours in a week, if you workout 30 min. for 5 days a week, that's only 2.5 hours of that 168 hours. Totally doable, right? ;-)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I think people would be amazed if they kept a time journal for a week and saw how much time they waste on meaningless things - TV, Cell Phone, PC, etc. that they would see that there IS time for exercise.

    On weekdays between my commute and work hours I'm gone 12 hours a day. Although I'm not a parent, I take care of pretty much everything around the house - bills, cleaning, laundry, dinner, etc. I'm very fortunate to have a gym at home, so that is the very first thing I do when I get home from work. It's just part of my daily routine. I stay motivated because I love working out and I love the results and the way it makes me feel.
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    In the long run it will make you less tired. The better shape you are in, the less tiring everyday life is.

    ^^^^^ this!
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I don't have quite as much going as you, but do have 2 kids and a full time desk job. What has helped me most is to change my mindset to viewing exercise as an essential part of my life. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. You always make time for those things, right? You don't need to hit the gym for hours at a time, 20 minutes of getting your heart rate up will do the trick. Also, like others have suggested, try to go for walks during breaks at work.
  • mdhummel
    mdhummel Posts: 201 Member
    If you don't have the time and money to go to a gym there are other ways to exercise. Not sure the age of your boys, but you could incorporate family time with exercise time. Ride bikes, swim , play tag or basketball... little kids have tons of energy and run around like crazy so if you can keep up with your boys you will be burning some serious calories!!!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Age is irrelevant

    My hubby works out of town Mon- Thursday so its just me and the kids. Granted I do work close to home, so I'm not out of the house 12+hrs. But you do have time. Get up 45min earlier than normal and get in a 30 min workout. At home DVDs, jump rope, resistance training, etc all can be done in your living room.

    How old are the kids? If they can stay by themselves - go for 1hr walk/runs on teh weekends, if they cant'... take them with you. Shoot take them with you anyway - great family outing. Hiking, swimming, rowing, skiing, etc are all great family activities that burn a lot of calories.

    On your lunch hour at work, go for a 30 min walk. Do you have stairs at work? Walk up nad down the stairs for 15min. You don't need a full hour every day to have lunch. Durning breaks at work, walk around, do chair dips, push ups, squats in your office.

    there are lots of ways to get in some exercise. If you want somethign solid - wake up earlier and do more on the weekends!! It is possible - stop making excuses and do it. :flowerforyou:
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    It all depends on what your fitness goals are, but if you’re active during the day you don’t NEED to carve out a separate workout time. If you want perfectly sculpted arms or abs, then there’s specific work you need to do, but if you’re just trying to be active and healthy you might already be getting the exercise you need. If you’re not, you can work it into your daily routine instead of putting aside special time to do something.

    You say you’re away from home for 12 hours for work – what do you do? If you’re on your feet even part of the day or do any manual labor, you’re getting in plenty of activity.

    Is it an office job? Like others suggested – can you walk on lunch or breaks? Can you start taking the stairs? Can you suggest walking meetings with anyone? When I need to talk w/a boss or coworker about a project or something and we don’t need to take notes we often go for a 15-30 minute walk while we chat. Can you park further away in the parking lot? Or take public transportation so you HAVE to walk further?

    You mention you’re making dinner, doing dishes, you’re probably cleaning up after your family at home too. What about weekends? Can you make family activities more active? Playing outside or gardening or what have you?
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    I really think the key is finding something you like to do. I rock climb. I love it. Its my stress release and my social time. I hate running. So I don't do it. Find a fitness class or a social group that likes to hike, bellydance, play baseball with your kids. When you are with others, it doesn't seem like such a chore.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    How many of those chores do your kids do? Unless they are really little, they can - and should - help around the house. My kids have been unloading the dishwasher since they were 5. They sort their own laundry, dust, sweep & mop, clean the bathroom, etc. With 3 kids, there's a lot of rotation, so nobody gets stuck with the "yucky" job each time. Many hands make light work!

    Then, get the kids involved in exercise with you. Go for brisk walks together, play catch, etc. We just got Just Dance for the Wii and we all play it together. It's time with the kids, getting yourself healthy, and teaching them to be active, all at once.

    When you're tired, remind yourself that exercise gives you more energy, in the long run, and so does a healthy weight. And don't let age stop you - my mom is 65 and has started walking, she notices more energy and less stiffness/pain from arthritis (and has lost about 15 pounds and 2-3 pants sizes!)
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    While I agree with those who say that if it's important to you then you make time, but I understand the realities of life as well. I used to have that life, although with only 1 little one at home. Hubby and I were two ships passing in the night so when I wasn't working I was in parent mode.

    If you can't find the time to exercise right now, don't worry about! I started by just making better food choices. I tracked my calories and was losing weight with no additional physical activity. Then I switched jobs and started working less hours (40-45/week instead of 55-60/week). I started walking on my lunch breaks and then I started walking after work with my daughter in a stroller. Now that it's cold outside I've slowed down my activity and with that comes eating less because I don't have the exercise cals.

    Just do what you can, nobody's perfect....