I came too far to turn around now but...



  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I tend to agree with the lady that said. Go on with life as you are. But watch not to gain the weight you took off. Maybe all you need or want right now is a break from it all. Take it but do not put the weight back on. If in a month six months or a year down the line you feel you want to lose more then do it. But don't regain what you worked so very hard to lose.

    Look at the difference in that dress you went from it being a sausage cover to a beautiful dress.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I like the idea of you finding another group challenge to be a part of but what happens when that ends or the next one ends. You need to find some time to yourself and really think about WHY you decided to start your weight loss in the first place and think about what it really means to you and what your ultimate goal is.

    I also like the idea of swtiching focus from weight loss goals to things like fitness and specific food goals. Maybe you need to clean your diet up? Add more fruits and veggies and whole grains? Drink more water? Or maybe you've thought about learning to run or training for a triathalon or trying a new workout plan...let these things guide you for a while instead of the calorie goal. Obviously if you eat better and exercise you'll still be working on being a healthier you!
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    Dogacreek, can you tell me more about this bodymedia? Maybe this is what I need?

    The BodyMedia is worn 23 hours a day. It tracks your calories burned, your physical activity time, the number of steps you take and your sleep time and quality of that sleep. You set your level of activity, the rate of weight you want to lose per week and other profile items. You still need to log your food.

    After I started wearing this, I finally felt comfortable with the number of calories to eat every day. I was coming up short in the number of steps to take daily, except on my zumba days. I've increased those now by running in place.

    Check it out: http://www.bodymedia.com/