Question for those who are between 200-230lbs.

What type of exercises do you do and when? What type of exercise plan do you do? Everyone is welcome to answer but I'm interested in others who are closer to my weight. TIA!


  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    I started back in january and weighed 225 at 5'6''. I basically cut my calories down to 1000 a day with the help of oxy elite pro (A supplament that cut appitite and increased heat in the body) and strength training with a bowflex. If this is an option just browse the internet for womens training. A few months later I began running. Im now down to 149! Good luck to you and I strongly recomend looking into oxy elite pro, it jumpstarted my weight loss!!
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    Weight is sugjective in this context. I'm six one so my 202 is stretched over a bit more area than someone who's five seven (then there's the whole male/female dynamic). With that said, I bike. Lots of biking. Anywhere from 120-300 miles a week outside in good weather and several hours a week inside during the winter.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I am currently at 201 (5'2) but started at 228 in July.

    I started just lowering my caloric intake.

    Then I started doing the elliptical for 20 min and worked my way up to 1 hr.

    About three weeks ago, I began doing the 30 day shred.
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    I'm a slightly higher weight - 250 - and 5'6. I find that jogging hurts my knees so I do a lot of swimming, biking, and weight training. A lot of folks like the elliptical as well but I find it boring. Whatever cardio you do, make sure you're lifting weights to accompany it!
  • mjmbjmgjm1
    mjmbjmgjm1 Posts: 56 Member
    I am currently 231 (5'3). I started by eating fewer calories and logging every bite plus walking and zumba for xbox. I bought the 30day shred earlier this month and just got an elliptical.
    I did zumba every other day for 20-45minutes and walked 2 days a week, 2 miles for the first month. Now I do the 30 day shred 5 days a week. And I just got the elliptical, but plan on doing it for at least 20min 3 days a week...I try to do as much as I can with working full time and taking care of the kiddos.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Well I just technically missed being a canidate for this thread lol. I weighed in last Sunday at 199.9 but I started 60 days ago at 217. I cut my cals and been doing what I can to exercise. I make myself walk. I make myself get up. Now since I moved and have more money, I am going to buy the Zumba DVDs and do them daily along with my normal daily activitty. If you want add me I would love to support you on your journey
  • zumbagada
    zumbagada Posts: 24 Member
    I'm currently in the 180s, but I started this time around 220. I mostly just do Zumba and the elliptical. Zumba is addictive, plus you end up with folks who expect to see you there, so it makes you somewhat accountable.

    Just remember that you can't outtrain a bad diet.
  • danielleread74
    I agree with the earlier post that weight is subjective. Do what works for YOU! I currently weight 226, and I do an elliptical trainer for about 35-45 minutes and shoot to burn between 400-450 calories. My activity of choice is running (i'm ridiculously slow), but I HATE the cold, so I spend a lot of time indoors now!
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5'10...start weight was 258 in March, my current weight is 205. Since my heaviest weight I have done strength training with fixed weights, walking on the treadmill, rowing, cycling, and elliptical trainer at the gym. I did a 5k walk for charity in June. I find it difficult to run because of my large chest (F cup) and I find it makes my knees painful so stick to power walking. I've tried Zumba, aqua aerobics, 30 Day Shred and kettlebell workouts. Basically I find there is nothing you can't do if you try, regardless of your weight.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Weight is sugjective in this context. I'm six one so my 202 is stretched over a bit more area.

    This (6'1", 200)

    I strength train 4x a week, mostly bodyweight, but supplement with small weights/vest where needed. Upper/Lower split

    I run 2x a week, 5K one day and 5M another (2 convienient courses on the streets around me). The 5k day I try to run fast, the 5M day I take it easy and enjoy myself.

    I do Yoga 1x a week

    I walk 30 min every day on my lunch break. Welcome chance to get away from my desk for a bit.
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    I'm currently 205 from a starting weight of 249. I've done really well for myself by jogging on a treadmill and occassionally using a rowing machine - both at my house. I have neither the time, money nor patience for gyms, and I live on a freakin' mountain, so jogging outside is not preferable...

    Anyways, my basic, limited-to-Google research helped me decide that for now, exercises that focus on the legs are most beneficial to losing weight as they are your largest muscles, thus exercising them burns the most calories. So I use my treadmill and vary my speed between 3 and 7 miles-per-hour (walking/fast-walking/jogging/running.) I also try to use the most upbeat/rock/R&B songs to keep me going!

    Also don't forget that dieting is far more beneficial to LOSING weight than exercising. You should definitely stay active, but you're going to achieve greater results by really focusing on what/how you eat.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    I was up to about 210, now am right under/around 200.

    I got a gym membership and spent the money on a personal trainer. OMG best 6 months of my life while being the worst. Having set I will be at the gym at this time schedual or loosing all that money made me go. I would set it up for zumba for an hour then 30 minutes with my trainer one day a week and then did zumba another morning.

    I will say though Zumba can be very hard on knees and joints depending on what shape you are in to start with. I work with kids and am up and about all day so it wasn't that bad, but I do know some people *my mother* who as much as she tried couldn't phyically handle the jumping and hard movements in required.

    And as everyone else posted diet really is a big part of this. Also don't do 100% cardio, you want to drop fat not muscle. There is a ton of home strength things you can do to keep your body healthy while loosing the weight.
  • adm603
    adm603 Posts: 48
    I started at 221 on 8/7/12 and am currently at 200. I calculate everything I eat and try to get 1 fruit and 1 veggie a day. I drink tons of water and have a cheat snack once a week. I started walking and then added my bike. I had been doing Tae-Bo but it hurt my knees. I just started the 30 day Shred last week, I am not losing by the scale, but my inches are going down. I do something everyday for 20 minutes minimum. Some days when I have more time I will do a workout tape and my bike or go for a walk. When I hit a plateau I eat more of my calories back that week. Your body will tell you what to do.
  • nashbear
    nashbear Posts: 131 Member
    I am 230lbs. I am down from 260. I lift weights during my lunch hour and box after work. The boxing gym I joined helps me to modify the workouts since I have an injured knee.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    When I got to my heaviest, I started walking for an hour every day. Just around the neighborhood, up one street, down the next.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I'm nearly 6' tall, around 215, and run three times a week and lift three times a week. Generally in the mornings, sometimes in the evenings.

    For running I do one long run (4-6 mi), one interval run (never more than 3 mi but varying my pace for different parts of it) and a hill session every week. The hill session works out to about 4 miles because the hill is .4 miles long and I go up and down for 5 circuits :laugh:

    For lifting I do a bodyweight circuit (google Nerdfitness beginner bodyweight circuit for a good starting point) or when I make it to the gym I lift pretty heavy.

    Right now I've been bad about the gym so I've focused on bodyweight stuff but I know I need to recommit to lifting and it will happen in the next month or so. I'm enjoying pushing myself hard with no equipment right now though.
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    I have just been walking. Eventually maybe I'll try a jog but I have had bad joints since before I was overweight and it might not be an option. I walk on my lunch break, take my little guy out in the stroller, or now I have started the Leslie Sansone walking workouts.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    I started this at 241 lbs, and just started by walking a lot. Now, I'm closer to 200, and I jog occasionally (going to start training for a half marathon soon) but mostly stick with step aerobics and personal training sessions. I also walk my dog a lot ;) it helps!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i got to about 230(down from 280ish) before i got pregnant and i did weight lifting and walking, elliptical and videos (mostly jillian michaels stuff).
    now that im pregnant and with my work schedule, its mostly just walking..but when my schedule changes i plan on getting back into the gym and doing a modified weight lifting routine.
  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    I started at 248, started out with 30 minute walks, eventually increased that to 60 minutes, and then added in hiking. I started using an Arc Trainer more recently to increase my workout, as I can't get much more out of walking without switching to jogging.