about me

i have a back problem that adds to my lazy self. i want to lose waight but it is hard i have two young children and i am married and the more i hurt. the angrier i get. and then i snack.. im hoping to lose atleast 30 lbs it would help me so much. pain wise and health wise. please someone help me to be strong.


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Sounds like you are in a tough spot. I would suggest that you set small achievable goals for yourself and just tackle them on a day to day basis. Back pain can be debilitating, but assuming you have had your back checked out by a professional and are not limited in your activity, it will improve if you start moving and increasing your overall body strength. Not enough is said about standing straight and holding your body erect, while sucking in your gut! Sounds like snacking is another issue, so would suggest that you remove the temptations from your home and replace them with only healthy options. Day by day, you can do this, but it does take time. Hang in there and attempt to starting walking (even if it is just marching in place in front of the TV - the kids will think it is fun!).
  • ddss37
    ddss37 Posts: 36 Member
    Have a look at www.ttapp.com - great group of people. Call them and see what DVD may be of help to you.

    I have used their Basic Workout + for a long time. When I first started with them - I lost 36" -

    They have a program for people who need help with pain. I think it is called "MORE" - not sure.

    Also - look at collagevideo.com for pain alleviating and back strengthening DVDs...
