What, really, is "too thin"?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think so many people in this country are overweight, that they don't realize what healthy is. I get that in my family all the time. They get on my case so often about being "too thin", and are usually mean about it. But, by definition, I am the only one of them who is a healthy weight.

    Yes. I witnessed at work one time, this woman in our group lost a ton of weight, she looks great. Her and I talk all the time about food and fitness. But, all the large women got on her case about how she's too thin and she needs to eat. The woman is perfect, actually. She's just right. The other ladies are all huge.I'm sure they are on blood pressure medicine and all that. It's really warpped that people think that's normal to be obese and be on medication.

    I was in the doctors office the other day, and the nurse asked me 3 times if I was sure that I wasn't on medication. She finally looked up at me and said, "Oh. (smiled), How do you do it?" It's getting to be normal to have high blood pressure and other complications due to obesity. So, don't listen to people saying you're too thin. Just go by body fat. It's not something the scale can measure.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I agree with those who say that now days people are generally overweight, so if you are thinner, you're considered "too thin"

    It also depends on how long one person has been heavy. Take me for an example. I've been 200+ for the last number of years. My highest weight was 220 and that's where I was when I started here. I've lost 30lbs, and my mother keeps saying how small and thin I look. I'm 190. No where near small or thin. I'm just smallER and thinER than I had previously been.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    If the thought "too thin" has been expressed...generally that is too thin.

    Possibly, but some people don't know what a normal weight looks like. Others are competitive or passive-aggressive.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I agree with those who say that now days people are generally overweight, so if you are thinner, you're considered "too thin"

    I've experienced this distortion in the hospital and doctor's office. I once needed a procedure and the nurse was amazed she could easily find my veins. I AM NOT THAT THIN. Another time, a doctor asked me if I was a dancer because I was seeking some help with a body mechanics issue. I'm clumsy and I AM NOT THAT THIN. I guess being able to walk and having a normal BMI makes people think you're a dancer in some contexts. :smile:

    Every day I see people who because of age and/or genetics are objectively much thinner. I swear to God, some of them have legs that are barely bigger than my arms, and I do have thin arms. I try not to worry about it, I'm not overweight and there's nothing I can do about it, but they make me feel positively elephantine. :smile:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I think so many people in this country are overweight, that they don't realize what healthy is. I get that in my family all the time. They get on my case so often about being "too thin", and are usually mean about it. But, by definition, I am the only one of them who is a healthy weight.

    I completely, 150% agree with this. I've only ever actually heard the "too thin" thing from people who are overweight themselves.