Everyone's different..right??

So I've recently started on actually eating properly..by properly I mean MORE not less food. For months I wasn't allowing myself more than 1000 cals a day but was working out 6x a week burning anything from 300-800cals a day..so now I'm actually eating properly! 6x a day..small and very clean meals.
Anyway has anyone seen Jenna Marbles' videos on youtube? She made one about her diet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8V7KivOz6Y (she has an incredible body) and there's no way she can be consuming more than about 1000 cals a day. on an average day she eats:

Breakfast: Smoothie- Banana, frozen berries, flaxseed oil, juice (orange etc)
Lunch: Salad with nuts or beans for protein (she's a vegan) with cranberries, seeds etc.
Dinner: Steamed veggies with brown rice or sesame seeds
Snacks: fruit/nuts

exercise: every morning..often does HIIT training

She looks really healthy and toned, always has a lot of energry...have a look through her vids and you'll see! she has one where she's showing her body in a bikini. Everyone kept telling me I should eat more considering my workouts but then I look at people likie her who work out and barely eat and look awesome...I'm not saying I don't WANT to eat but people like her make me scared I'll start gaining weight since I upped my cals!!


  • Noflexing
    Noflexing Posts: 60 Member
    shes a small girl so yes her body requires less calories than others. everyone will require a different amount you just have to find it and look for it. start off with a google calculator type in TDEE calculator and take the average of 3 different ones and then try to eat that many calories for a week if you see changes in your body composition then stick with that number however if you don't see changes then lower the calories by 100 and keep doing that until you find your magic number.