Need some encouragement!

Hi, I'm 23 and from Ireland! I have been a member of MFP for over a year now but lost motivation for a couple of months. I have just recently began logging again but unfortunately all the friends that I had made who were awesome at encouraging and congratulating seem to have given up on MFP and I have 0 friends on my newsfeed!

My goal is to lose a bit of weight and tone up what I have actually got, I am not the best at eating healthy but I do workout quite a bit! So I'm basically wondering if there are any good motivators on here that can encourage me along and even offer advice in some cases, please give me an add an we can help each other along the way! :)



  • kiwigirlbex
    Hows Ireland? I'm in New Zealand
    I haven't logged on for a month....
    So what have you eaten today??. We made gucamole today and I've just added all the ingredients up and its terrible! This annoys me as it is a clean food - you know, one ingredient...all natural. The other ingredients are clean too, tomatoes, red onions, lemon juice...
    Oh well.

  • DrenRigs
    DrenRigs Posts: 448 Member
    Ill give you social support if you give me social supp whant to be my homie
  • plaingirly
    I just joined up this week and am aiming to log in every day!

    Love commenting and motivating people and having them do the same - I have very little real life support so this site is fab for me!

    I am finally getting excited and taking control of my life - feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'll add you and encourage you :smile: