
aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
ok so tonight we are going to dinner to a seafood restraunt. any ideas. on the best type of fish, tuna ect..nothing fried so probably grilled.


  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Fish is very low in fat, you just need to watch what you eat with it!! :-)
  • leannaellis
    leannaellis Posts: 15 Member
    grilled salmon with fresh vegies
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    A grilled salmon or halibut is always great! Tuna, too, as long as you don't eat it often in your diet because of the mercury. I usually get a fish with a side of veggies and, if they have it, brown rice. The culprits I shy away from are cream based soups and sauces, and the bread basket. Hope you have a nice dinner! :)
  • Fish is always a good one and I LOVE crab legs!! as long as you watch what you pair it with some healthy stuff like veggies you will be golden!:) Seafood is good for you! at least that is what Im told!:)
  • Great question and good job planning head - this helps soo much in the long run; grilled tuna is low in fat and great for you.. salmon is also good but higher in fat (albeit good fat but fat is fat)... I'm not sure how strict you are so look up your favorite fish: trout, tuna, salmon, grupper, cod, and check fat levels.. i'm stict as you can see but know that grilled tuna or salmon are always SAFE bets (just make sure you tell them no cream or butter on it... everything on the side..otherwise all that effort will be wasted when it shows up drowning in butta! :)....

    have a great night out and enjoy!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    thanks for the help
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