Fat and Sugar

I keep going over on these two, either one of them are over or I am way under my calories goal. I tried to keep it low-not exceed 20 gram of them but it always over a little bit almost everyday.

My question is that if it goes on like this-going over a bit but going over everyday, will it affect my weight ? I just reach my goal weight and have been trying very hard to not gain weight again.


  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    As long as you are within your daily calorie goals, it will not affect your weight. Sugar is not evil unless your diabetic and fat, especially healthy fats are essential. Theoretically you can eat all fat and sugar as long as you are not exceeding your calorie allotment, granted that wouldn't be particularly healthy. LOL. The question is goals. Does overabundance of fat or sugar bring you under an optimum level of say...protein thus inhibiting muscle retention and or growth. Nutrition is very much like s rubiks cube. You can't change anything without affecting something else.

    Having said that, if you are not grossly over on fat and sugar, don't worry as long as your caloric intake is inline. Just try to hit your macros when you can and don't stress. Hope this helps.
  • WarMachine56
    WarMachine56 Posts: 6 Member
    It comes down to how many excess calories you are getting from the excess sugar and fat. It takes an excess of 3500 calories to put on one pound of bodyfat. So if everyday you overshoot your daily maintenance level of calories by 100, then after 35 days you will have gained 1 pound of bodyfat. You say that you end up way under your calorie goal, which means that you will end up losing weight (assuming your calorie goal is at maintenance level). Secondly, dietary fat is not bad. Your body needs needs dietary fat for hormone regulation amongst other things. 20g of dietary fat seems very low to me, try to get at least 50g of dietary fat coming from good sources such as coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and nut butters.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Sugars are very hard to keep low but not impossible. I went 30 days with under 20 grams of sugar a day and my waist shrank.

    The thing about fats that people do get is it very hard for your body to burn fat if you don't have healthy fat in your diet. Like warmachine said...eat healthy fat. You need to eat fat to lose fat.
  • craigineson
    craigineson Posts: 88 Member
    I think some of the people here would be shocked at my daily level of fat calories... Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about going over slightly - Calories matter overall. But I definitely believe you need more than 20g of fat per day - perhaps 30-40% of your days intake - otherwise your meals won't be very satiating (fat is very satiating).

    If you're going over because you're over-eating due to hunger, then a lack of fat won't be helping to make your meals more filling. Protein has the same effect.

    (Incidentally, sugar drives hunger. The less the better if you ask me, but that's another story.)

    P.s. Everyone here seems to have suggested some fats... my advice would be to say that all fats are good to eat, except hydrogenated fats. My favourite sources of fat include avocado oil (LOVE IT), coconut oil, and olive oil.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks all for the answer. :) Ah, sorry to make it confusing, I didn't mean my daily goal for fat is 20gram. My daily fat goal is around 48 gram but I usually go over it, yet I tried to keep it within 20-30 gram range. I know it's not much and it's OK once in a while to go over on sugar and fat but I keep going over with small amount of them almost everyday. That's what I am worried about. :indifferent:
  • craigineson
    craigineson Posts: 88 Member
    Are you below cals overall though?
    If so, you should be fine.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Yes, I usually under my cals for 50cals -100cals a day. Find something to eat more and then I will usually go over on more than one macro and go over my calories intake per day.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    If you are over on fat and sugar, under on calories then you must consistently be under on protein: that combination absolutely could cause you problems depending on what you targets are and what type/ form of fat/ sugar you re talking about. I assume of course you want to lose bodyfat and not muscle! There is a great podcast on iTunes on whether a calorie really is a calorie - Smarter Science of Slim, episode 11.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    The thing about fats that people do get is it very hard for your body to burn fat if you don't have healthy fat in your diet. Like warmachine said...eat healthy fat. You need to eat fat to lose fat.

  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    Sugars are very hard to keep low but not impossible. I went 30 days with under 20 grams of sugar a day and my waist shrank.

    The thing about fats that people do get is it very hard for your body to burn fat if you don't have healthy fat in your diet. Like warmachine said...eat healthy fat. You need to eat fat to lose fat.
    can i have a sample diet for such low sugar
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sugar is a subset of carbs and unless you have a medical reason to track, just ignore it. Going over on fat is fine and should be considered a minimum. The MFP goal is set pretty low.