How I got started

I had never heard of this until my gym teacher made us do this for a project. I'm on the last day that I have to do this for class, but I may just continue with the program afterwards. The thing I'm bummed about? He made me put that I wanted to MAINTAIN my weight, because obviously it would make him look bad if he told us that we had to loose weight for a school project. However, I KNOW that I need to loose weight. But until I've finished my project, I can't change my goals or he'll see them in my reports and probably not be too happy with me. Oh well, I'm loosing weight anyways, just a lot slower because instead of cutting back on thousands of calories, I'm only cutting back several hundred. My goal weight- 160 lbs. at the most, and other than that, I just have to see how much my body physically CAN loose. This program said I can weigh 120 lbs, but I really doubt that is truly a healthy weight for me. Oh well, wish me the best of luck! (BTW, anyone else think that myfitnesspal is exaggerating a little? I currently weigh 171 lbs. and I am five eight. I have bad genes in the family for being a bigger weight, and I also have big bones. I've read before that my body can be between 150-160 lbs., but I have NEVER heard or thought possible that physically i could be 120 lbs and not be considered underweight. feel free to comment your advice!) <3