I have a plan

OK, wanted to start my journey on Sunday, (my 38th), but didnt, so I found this website and figured this will be my queue.
I was reading an article I found online the other day '52 ways to loose a pound a week" I thought, "this is perfect, I need to loose a pound a week, so that is what I am going to do. It is a slow start, but I have a goal in mind.
I need to loose 102 lbs and I am giving myself till my 40th to do it.
My plan is to implement a different "way" each week to do my loosing. This website should take care of about 5 or 6 of those ways just with the tracking and all. Let it begin.


  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Sounds like a reasonable plan! I'm on week 2/3 using this site and it's incredible. Heck, it's even addictive! Good luck with achieving all your goals and have fun doing it! :)
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Good for you...good luck as you begin your quest. Yes, this website will benefit you by keeping you focused. Tracking food helps, reading blogs and messages motivate you. We are all here to help each other.
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    Cool im sort of doing the same, but mine is pretty much watch the calories and exercise. ive just finished the 1st month of it and ive lost 16 pounds, ignore my ticker below, i only joined this weekend so its counting from then. and if i lose about a stone a month then im on track to have lost all the weight i dont want by my 20th on the 5th of october.
    I honestly think that this time ill drop the weight and ill be happy in my skin for once.
    i think 1 pound a week is great, its better then the amount they lose on the biggest loser, some lose 10 pound a week, thats just going to cause them health problems.