Valentine's Day: Someone's Gotta Ask....

Valentine's Day is an entire weekend this year. More time to spend with my fiance? SWEET!!! :happy:

We're both committed to our new, healthier lifestyle. Sitting around on our butts all weekend and eating chocolates is not part of our game-plan for getting and staying healthy. That being said....

No giggling, MFP, 'cause I'm serious: does anyone have any good, *scientific* studdies I could read about calorie expenditure from "intimate time" with your partner?

I honestly want to know. I monitor my nutrition and exercise very carefully to maintain a healthy deficit. I have to be strict with myself so I don't fall off the bandwagon--that's just my personality and what works for me. If I underestimate my calories burned, I may have an unwanted brush with "starvation mode." Not good. I'm committed to my weight loss and want to do this right.

Thanks in advance, everybody! I know that some good, solid, scientific, well-researched information would benefit a lot of us.


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Do you have an HRM you can wear? I've often thought of wearing one during...
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Something I found - Hope it helps!

    If you're trying to lose weight you're probably wondering how to do the best fat burning exercises and how to eat the best you can. These things are all important, but you may be surprised when you'll discover how many calories are burned during sex.

    Sexual intercourse has long been known as a super healthy activity with many benefits. One of these benefits is weight loss. In a 30 minute session of lovemaking you can burn anywhere between 80 to 200 calories (depending on how rigorous the session is among other factors).

    If you make love 3 times a week, you can burn 7,500 calorie annually which is the equivalent of what you would achieve if you jog for 75 miles! Imagine that!

    Indeed, sex may be the ultimate diet supplement as it not only burns calories but also:

    1. Improves cardiovascular fitness due to your heavy breathing and increased heart rate during lovemaking.

    2. Tones the muscles, including several muscle groups that rarely come into play during your regular routine.

    3. Reduces stress which is know to contribute to weight gain especially around the abdominals. Reducing stress can also help reduce the risk of heart diseases and other illnesses.

    4. Helps you sleep better. Studies show that people who sleep better than others tend to lose weight faster.

    All in all, going on a sex diet is a very good idea. Of course, you can't stay in bed all day long. You do need to do regular workouts and to watch your nutrition. However, as lovemaking is a lot of fun and helps to keep the flames of desire running between you and your mate, it's a good idea to make it part of your routine.

    Having sex can help you lose weight and become even more sexy.

    For more tips on how to get flat and sexy abs, visit
    To discover whether you can get a flat belly in 2 weeks, visit Get Flat Abs in 2 Weeks

    John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

    Article Source:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Do you have an HRM you can wear? I've often thought of wearing one during...
    omg! HAHAHAHAHA!:laugh: :laugh: The mental pic in my head just made me about fall off my chair laughing, handcuffs, check, lace negligee, check, wine, check, hmr,! probably burn alot of calories if you're doing it right! lol...omg too funny of a topic!
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    Do you have an HRM you can wear? I've often thought of wearing one during...

    I don't, but it's a good thought. Thanks!

    @ Kristen81:

    This is useful, but not very scientific. 80-200cal is a really wide range. 200 extra cals burned could mean starvation mode for me.

    I've found "studies" that list calories burned through different [somewhat graphic] activities, but they're not backed up with any medical or scientific information. There's got to be something out there with some solid answers. Maybe there's a relationship councilor or MD on MFP with some good intel?
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Do you have an HRM you can wear? I've often thought of wearing one during...

    :laugh: good idea!
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    "Let's go faster I haven't reached my target HR" hahahaha :laugh:

    Honestly I don't know how many I bet like 100 - 200 cals per half hour or something...I'm sure there are some good sites which give you this info but I daren't look it up at work! :blushing:
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    omg! HAHAHAHAHA!:laugh: :laugh: The mental pic in my head just made me about fall off my chair laughing, handcuffs, check, lace negligee, check, wine, check, hmr,! probably burn alot of calories if you're doing it right! lol...omg too funny of a topic!

    Don't forget replace chocolate-covered strawberries with protein shake for muscle repair and carb-loading for endurance (she said the WHOLE weekend). lol
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I posted this in jest quite awhile ago in response to a question similar to yours:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Do you have an HRM you can wear? I've often thought of wearing one during...

    HAHAHA.... I asked my husband if I should wear one the other day...I said it in a joking way...but in my mind I was totally serious. I've been curious!
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Trying to look for something more "scientific" but can't seem to find much.
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    What a funny BLOG! I've always wanted to try wearing a HRM. I think my hubby would get a kick out of seeing exactly what made my heart race, too! :blushing: The heart doesn't lie! :laugh: If he ever had a doubt he that he was taking good care of me, he wouldn't after he saw it on the HRM! :laugh:

    I've looked up this topic before, because I was curious. The range varies dramatically, and frankly, I'm just not gonna log that. :wink: I just figure it's all good. I hope you get the answers you are looking for though, and wish you a good weekend. Happy Valentine's Day, and congratulations on your fitness success!

  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    "Let's go faster I haven't reached my target HR" hahahaha :laugh:

    This is funny, because I'm actually concerned about going OVER my THR. I have CFICS (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), so I have to monitor all my physical activity very carefully.

    Still, it would be funny to wear a monitor and then compare yourself to medical studies--see if you're "normal by the numbers" ROFL! :laugh:
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member

    Don't forget replace chocolate-covered strawberries with protein shake for muscle repair and carb-loading for endurance (she said the WHOLE weekend). lol

    My fiance and I live 1800 miles apart because of our jobs. I haven't seen him in several months. :sad:
    The "WHOLE weekend" does not begin to describe.... :blushing:

    That's why I'd really like to know about the expenditure. We'd BOTH like to eat back the calories as accurately as possible. Starvation + dehydration + overexertion = never a good thing!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Don't forget replace chocolate-covered strawberries with protein shake for muscle repair and carb-loading for endurance (she said the WHOLE weekend). lol

    My fiance and I live 1800 miles apart because of our jobs. I haven't seen him in several months. :sad:
    The "WHOLE weekend" does not begin to describe.... :blushing:

    That's why I'd really like to know about the expenditure. We'd BOTH like to eat back the calories as accurately as possible. Starvation + dehydration + overexertion = never a good thing!

    Oh Goodness..........I am not going to TOUCH that :laugh: :laugh:
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I understand your conerns, but you have to realize that there is no real way to figure it out that accurately without a HRM.

    The levels of intensity of a sex "workout" varies drastically according to the couple involved. I would say to honestly not worry that much about it and just eat 100-300 calories more than you normally would on those particular days.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    "Hold on honey.... let me hit the start button.... Ready? Set? GO!"
    followed with....... "Okay, lemme hit the stop button and log these calories....."
    ROFL :laugh:
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I understand your conerns, but you have to realize that there is no real way to figure it out that accurately without a HRM.

    The levels of intensity of a sex "workout" varies drastically according to the couple involved. I would say to honestly not worry that much about it and just eat 100-300 calories more than you normally would on those particular days.

    I've realized I'm going to have to stop and buy a HRM on the way home if I want to be accurate. Maybe I should get 2?

    We got engaged long-distance. He's giving me the ring this Sunday, says he has a whole "thing" planned. We have theatre tickets and dinner reservations and he bought a new suit... 300 calories might not be enough. :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • egust01
    I have never laughed so hard at a thread than when I read this one. What a way to entice my man..
    "Come on, babe, I didn't get to the gym today. Can you make sure I burn 500 calories?"

    ...actually, he's a gym buff too. He'll probably be turned on!

    Congrats on everyone's fitness sucess!
  • sheltieroger
    sheltieroger Posts: 264 Member
    Being married a long while, I don't think that our 'activities' would burn a stick of gum.....:bigsmile: