Mother sabotaging my healthy eating



  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    I have a similiar issue with my mom. I've overheard her talk about how worried she is about me "because she's lost a lot of weight recently and do you think it might be an eating disorder I think it might be an eating disorder she didn't even have any cake it's Thanksgiving she can have one piece of cake....." , etc.

    I'm eating 1300-1500 calories a day. I just now got out of the overweight category. When you cook calorie dense foods, I'm not going to eat very much of them. No, Mother, that does not mean I have an eating disorder.
  • prettyxpetite
    prettyxpetite Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, I'll try the less extreme stuff first, like explaining over and over and trying to be strong. When I'm home it's because it's christmas break (I'm a university student) and I'm utterly broke so I can't afford my own food but I'll try and convince her that I must have the things that I'm asking for

    No that's not me in my picture ^^ don't worry, I just find it inspiring.
  • cyberletat
    cyberletat Posts: 8 Member
    I totally get this sentiment, I do. But here's some tough love - at a certain point, you have to stop letting yourself follow your mother's suit. YOU are responsible for your weight loss. She clearly has very different needs to you, considering the discrepancies in how much weight each of you are carrying, so it's actually a bit unfair to expect her to follow the same diet as you. If you want to make a commitment to losing weight, you need to make the commitment on your own and you need to follow through on your own. You can't blame what other's put in front of you; you can only blame yourself for picking it up and putting it in your mouth.

    At the end of the day, yes, your mother could definitely be more helpful. But does she HAVE to be? No. The only person who has a responsibility here is you! And if she doesn't want to be a weight loss ally, stuff her! You're strong and capable and you can do this on your own!

    <<<This. Gone through this myself and everytime I go home it is a struggle. Think about how far you have come to summon the strengthh to just say "No" or "latter" and discretely chuck it out.