Hello world

I am 42, married for almost 21 years, three kids with the same man, full time student, full time employed.
I am not quite 5'1"
My "ah ha" moment began when I went to my DR. in Jan. of 2009 and I weighed in at 191 lbs!! What a shocker! when I was there the time before (Jan.2006) I was 30 lbs lighter! I I knew I had gained but I thought maybe 15-20# When the nurse told me thirty could not believe it and I was sickened. I decided then and there that I was going to lose weight!
I have changed my diet and have taught myself that I really would rather eat veggies than so many other things. I pack my lunch every day-alot of times it is a broccoli salad.I do not allow myself to indulge very often-but i do allow myself to eat those things that are not good for me every once in awhile, in moderation.
I have lost 25+ pounds in the last thirteen months without diet pills, shakes, etc ( i can't gag them down!!) I have just decided that I am the one who is in charge of me and I am not going to be fat forever!!


  • rileya
    rileya Posts: 28 Member
    Great Job...you make it sound so easy :)
  • donsch
    donsch Posts: 40
    I do not mean to make it sound easy! Believe me it is not.
    I am at a plateau right now and find it very frustrating. I just try to remember how far i have come and I AM going to succeed!!
    It maybe a mind game but I am working it as best as I can.
    I have a co-worker that goes to WW. She has lost almost 25# since July-i look at her and think I should be losing more than this but I am for the first time in my life doing this the right way.
  • Jesusfollower72
    30 lbs in 2 1/2 years equals .25 lbs per week. That's how slow you really did put on the weight. If you only lose a pound a week, you're doing it 4 times faster than when you put it on. I know it's frustrating when you hit a plateau, I get really frustrated too. You'll get past the plateau, you could try varying your exercise to shock your body...