(c25k) is it giving up if....



  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I don't have serious snow and slush yet, but it's pretty cold outside. I've been trying to do my 3 days / week, but some weeks have been tough with rain or snow. You can switch to other exercises, but what I've been doing is indoor workouts when I can't leave and C25K when I can.. I got the right gear so that I can run in the cold, but still won't brave the rain or snow. So that it means it took me almost 3 weeks to finish week 2 but I'm going to start week 5 soon and feel great!!
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    You have to listen to your body and respect the weather when you're doing out door activities, especially running. Winter is hard if you don't have a lot of dreadmill access so take this opportunity to do other activities! When the spring hits then you can hit the road again if its something you really want to do. 8)
  • christinet8504
    Changing your routine is NOT giving up. Going and sitting on the couch IS giving up.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I don't think it's giving up at all. I absolutely cannot walk/jog in the cold or when I get home after dark. I walk/jog when I can and I do workout videos inside when I can't. As long as I'm working out, I'm moving forward to meet my goals. One day I will have gym membership again (I hope) or a treadmill in my home. Until then, I'll do what I can with what's available.