Labels! Do you read them?

I am curious to see what type of information is important to you when reading labels. Twice this weekend I was told at different stores a version of the following: "Why are you looking in the back?! You shouldn't look at the calories, just eat it! or You look to skinny and need to eat something so you shouldn't worry if it is bad for you" . This has happened in the past too. I then explained my reason for reading labels and all I get is a blank stare. Here are my reasons for reading labels:

1) Ingredients: I like natural and preferably organic products so I scan the list of ingredients to see if there is anything I don't like.
2) Quality of carbs and fats. I am not afraid of either carbs or fats but I want to make sure they are the good quality type (whole grains, omega 3, etc)
3) Carb to protein ratio.

Now is your turn, why do you read them. If you don't, why not? Thanks


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I removed the label off my matress
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I read them, a lot of the time things you think are healthy have a lot of sugar and fat content in them. I like to see the nutrionial information. :)
    I've never had anyone ask me why I'm looking at label though. No-ones ever bothered me about it :)
  • I'm pretty sure everyone in here reads labels or we wouldn't know what we're eating.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I read labels for sure, how else can i be an informed consumer? I don't like to fall for any marketing gimmicks and reading the labels is pretty much the only way to determine for myself if that's something I wanna be eating (or feeding my family).
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I removed the label off my matress

    Have fun in prison, renegade.
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS! ..that doesn't mean i always resist either! :( unfortunately..
  • I read every single label for ingredients as my family has nut allergies. (My daughter used to be allergic to egg & dairy too, so this was incredibly hard!)
    I also read them to find out what exactly is in the food I'm eating and feeding my family. My little ones react to certain additives, and I like to know what I am putting into our bodies. My motto - if you don't know what the ingredient (or number) is, then don't buy it. The less ingredients in a food the better!
  • CamillaBeaumont
    CamillaBeaumont Posts: 56 Member
    I always read labels, mostly I am looking at ingredients b/c like the OP I prefer more natural and organic products wherever possible. I especially check what sweeteners have been added so I can avoid artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup. Finally I look at the calories in a serving, if it's ridiculously high in calories then I usually won't get it.

    I don't pay attention to carbs / fat / protein content for the most part, although depending on the product I do check fiber content as my daughter requires high fiber intake.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I read labels - every label, every time. I look for calorie count, protein, carb, sugar, fiber, and fats. I try to avoid trans fats and high sugar, as well as processed carbs.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I read labels, mainly for the ingredients. And what a serving size is.
    Corn syrup in apple sauce???? WTH?
    That's why I started making and canning my own.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I am a label *kitten* if there was one! I have Celiacs (born with it) along with soy & lactose intollerance. My husband is allergic to soy, coconut & any shellfish. If I don't read labels one of us could wind up in the hospital or worse. I really don't mind the strange stares at local public stores, I'm used to them after years of having to live like this: I worry more for those who have the 'grab & go' technique & if they'll live a happy, fruitful & healthy life!

    With that said, I also stick to natural foods (organic mostly): if it is something that is premade it MUST be labeled with the non-GMO stamp and I need to understand & know ALL the ingredients without looking them up. My husband is now in on the same lifestyle as me (he dropped 10lbs of toxins in 2 weeks eating clean & sleeps through the night now, yea, he's decided to be healthy for life!).

    I worry a little about the carbs & sugars, though as long as I'm working out my body knows to use them for energy & to keep me functioning through the day (no caffeine or energy drinks), I limit bad fats (love my nuts & avocados & don't worry about that too much) & look for high protein options or add-ins.
    If one eats "clean", calories typically stay low so I am finding I don't worry as much about caloric content as much as where it is coming from. And natural energy levels are through the roof, so I also know I'm getting my metabolism up to speed to function the way it is supposed to.
  • obwize
    obwize Posts: 102
    The only thing I purchase that has a label is bread. And then I usually don't read the label because the only bread I get is either Ezekiel or sourdough baguette. But all other food comes into my home raw. And I really need to get around to learning how to make sourdough bread so I don't need to purchase that either.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Of course I read labels. I need to know what I'm eating. But I've never had anybody bug me about it. That is so incredibly ignorant! I'd tell them to mind their own darn business.
  • craigineson
    craigineson Posts: 88 Member
    I read labels and keep them if I eat something while I'm out so I can track it later.

    For me, I'm looking for:
    - Carbs & Fibre: I really want to see less than 10g (net) carbs in the whole serving.
    - Fat: I want it high, I don't care what kind as long as it's not hydrogenated.
    - Protein: I want it high
    - Ingredients: I'm concerned about hydrogenated fats, aspartame, sugar alcohols, MSG, and HFCS.

    That's it for me :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I removed the label off my matress

    Have fun in prison, renegade.

    ^^^^ hahahaha!! I was thinking the same thing!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I read labels and keep them if I eat something while I'm out so I can track it later.

    For me, I'm looking for:
    - Carbs & Fibre: I really want to see less than 10g (net) carbs in the whole serving.
    - Fat: I want it high, I don't care what kind as long as it's not hydrogenated.
    - Protein: I want it high
    - Ingredients: I'm concerned about hydrogenated fats, aspartame, sugar alcohols, MSG, and HFCS.

    That's it for me :)

    The cat in your profile pic is the most famous cat on FB right now...he's not yours, is he?
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It sort of depends on the product. I check anything from the ingredients, fiber count, protein count, etc. Fiber and protein are probably the two most checked. Occasionally I look at carbs and fat too. I usually check the serving sizes as well, especially on prepackaged meals. Nothing worse than a "meal for one" have 1.5-2 servings in it.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I read labels but might not be really reading the most important. At a glance, I look at:

    -Calories per serving
    -Servings per container
    -First 3 ingredients to check to see what they constitute. Even though I'm not on a gluten-free diet, I check to see if it's gluten free.
    -I do not try to buy anything with hydrogenated oils, trans fats, enriched flour listed as any of the first ingredients (unless it's take out then I can't really seem to monitor).

    For the most part, I keep an eye on calories and servings per container.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    With that said, I also stick to natural foods (organic mostly): if it is something that is premade it MUST be labeled with the non-GMO stamp and I need to understand & know ALL the ingredients without looking them up.

    This is very important to me too.