beating myself up!!!



  • BamaRose0107
    Don't beat yourself up one moment longer. One day of eating badly is not going to undo or mess up the hard work you have put in. We are human and we will never be perfect and the sooner we realize that the more we can learn from our mistakes. Wake up tomorrow and start over. There are only two things you can do: 1) Let one day of bad eating get to you and in the long run let it hurt your success or 2) Let it go and start fresh and keep striving to be healthy.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I've been on the "slip" since Super Bowl. I am not over by alot but each day its creeping up and up. You need to accept it, learn from it and decide what are you going to do about it for tomorrow...
    I am on South Beach so I am starting back to Phase 1 for a week to get myself under control. I may add in a workout if I can as well for this week.
    Do not give up