help support

Hey everyone! im obvious new and looking for some support and peope to talk to throughout this big change. i have always been big and just tired of people pointing it out and and saying I will never change and i want to prove them soo wrong. I have read some peoples story and it makes me look for to this and it proves hard work goes a long way!


  • Armani0434
    Armani0434 Posts: 50 Member
    You can add me for support if you like :)
  • sherryjohnson2012
    sherryjohnson2012 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Your headed in the right direction, now lets prove all the negitive people how wrong they are, you CAN do it!!

    sending you a friend request :) having positive support is key.
  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    Proving people wrong is sometimes the best motivator! :-) Good for you and welcome!