Video game work outs. Yay or Nay?

Anyone having success with any Wii or Xbox kinect games? Either for fitness goals or weight loss.

What game? Why does it work?


  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    It works because it burns energy, therefore your energy in is less than your energy out, which results in caloric deficit, and burns energy reserves as energy which also results in weight loss.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I love My Fitness Coach on the Wii. I use it 5-5 days a week
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    I use wii fit plus and regularly do the yoga, muscle exercise and boxing.

    I think it's great, but ultimatley any game will only be as good as the effort you are putting into it. If you're the type to do less, 'cheat' because the virtual trainer will never know, it's probably not for you.
  • anzi888
    anzi888 Posts: 102 Member
    It's always better to move than to sit.
    Just Dance and Zumba are the fun ones I can think of right now. It works if you give it all you got :)
  • justkim76
    Haven't used it in a while (will have to start again soon...) but I always found that the Zumba game on Xbox Kinect made me sweat. I figure if I'm sweating, I'm burning some sort of calories. Even Dance Central is good for getting moving!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I do Just Dance (at least 3 songs), I try to do 4-5 different aerobic wii exercises (huge fan of the free run- i sweat like crazy), and the strength. I lost 20lbs on it 3 years ago.
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    I have the Zumba, which is great for cardio...I also have the Biggest loser workout which is KILLER....and it gives you a little bit of a personal trainer effect...its interactive and fun and you move so you burn...I can tell you that I cant do them very long, due to my inactive lifestyle I have had for so long, but I do what I can and one day I hope to be able to finish them! lol I also have DVD's of sweating to the oldies by Richard Simmons, and let me tell you, that is a WORK OUT for me....I have been told that once you complete a program, if you no longer feel like its doing it for you, add ankle and wrist weights or kick up your keep it fresh and working!
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    i really like the EA active workout out on the WII, you get a really good workout and it's fun. I also have the Julian Micheal, but didn't really get into it, the menu was rather difficult. Same for Zumba on the wii, it is not for begginer and the menu is difficult to navigate. I really enjoy working out with my wii, I don't go to the gym so the only exercise I get is at home.
  • jayce54321
    jayce54321 Posts: 110 Member
    I have used EA Sports Active 2 for the last 2 years and have lost and kept off 46 pounds. Prior to that I was using the Wii Fit but that did not push me enough and it is so slow going from one exercise to the next, coupled with the juvenile graghics and commentary. That being said, it is getting a little boring and I'm looking for another program. I don't like the idea of going to a gym as I am a private person who prefers to work out at home on my schedule.
  • alysiafresh
    alysiafresh Posts: 11 Member
    I recently started using light free weights (2.5 lbs) while doing Dance Central. Makes for a much more intense workout!
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    I like wii fit plus and wii active series.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I cannot see why it can't help you to achieve your goals. It's got to be better than just sitting and watching TV. Certainly, if I didn't have a routine that I prefer to follow, I'd be looking at getting a Kinect.
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    I love to do Kinect Sports and Kinect Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012. If it's a gross day and I just want to stay inside, these are handy for a workout. It's also nice to be good at baseball for once in my life, even if it's just pretend. :)
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I think anything that gets people off the couch and doing something (and if they treat it as a fun way of doing things) is great.
    I have a load of things for the wii and will be starting back with them this week, already been told of a boxing game that came with my original Wii Sports that I never knew about!

    I am, however, reminded of an ex-acquaintance who kvetched that their Wii was a waste of money as they didn't use it (bought along with Just Dance for exercise).
    I had to chuckle - there are no dark forces stopping them from using it, other than just not wanting to!
    Personally... I spent money on mine and a load of games... I damn well will use them at some stage!
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I love working out with my Kinect! I do Zumba: Fitness Rush every day as a warmup for anywhere between 20-60 minutes, then do a strength training or CrossFit program after. The first 6 weeks this was my primary exercise, but then I started to notice that I wasn't getting sore or sweating as much so I stepped it up. I'm looking into getting the new Nike fitness game.

    It is fun and interactive--I like having the feedback on how I am doing. It is definitely worth looking into!
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    As others have said.... exercise is exercise! If you want to loose weight, you need to change your habits and make sure you increase the exercise you're getting. If you put the effort in, than Wii/ X-box games will help on your goal to fitness, if you take them seriously. If you want faster and more noticeable results, this method may not cut it though, and it probably won't help keep the weight off long term unless you're incredibly self motivated and don't bore easily!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I used EA Sports Active 2 on the Playstation. People would comment on my exercise diary, saying, "That's sounds like fun!" It's not fun. It's the same stuff as any Jillian Michaels type DVD, but since you have sensors attached to your body, you can't cheat. It's a workout, not a game. It has a built in HRM, so you know your calories burned, and you can customize the workouts, which is nice.

    Now I just do running and weight lifting. I might go back to it over the winter if/when it gets too nasty outside to run.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It would be very similar to doing a DVD or YouTube video. If you enjoy, then do it.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I don't have a game system... but my feeling on those games is this: if it gets you up and moving, it's better than doing nothing. You may find that you love it, and get a great workout!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I have the Xbox Kinect game "Your Shape Fitness Advanced 2012" ... it's fun. They have games like "Break the blocks" where you're basically punching and kicking at the air. They have jumprope games. Then they have the actual training session type of games. The time goes by quickly and it has a little calorie counter in the corner. "Punch your calories!" ... and then the number shatters. :laugh: