New member glad to have found this site

Hello everyone. I just started here 3 days ago. A friend of mine introduced me to the site because I was complaining about not having any support to help encourage me on my journey. It's so much easier to lose weight when you have people behind you. People who understand your struggles. People who understand that sometimes it just isn't easy to pass up that slice of chocolate, macadamia nut, cheesecake. I've lost weight before and know that I can do it, but part of that was having the support, people cheering you on.
Anyway I hope I get to chat with some of you and get to join you on your journey.




  • m0m2three
    Welcome. Good luck on your journey, it's one worth taking. =)
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Welcome Alice! I just found this site by accident in December and I am now totally addicted to it. Whenever anyone compliments me on my weight loss I tell them about this site - it really has become an indispensible resource for me! You will learn so much about how to eat, be fit and get healthy from the folks here, it really is a great community. Best of luck to you with your goals! :drinker:
  • VLCD
    VLCD Posts: 7
    Hi Alice! I'm a newbie too!
    Accidentally found it last week-end and began logging EVERYTHING immediately...
    The result: End of week 1 I'd lost weight!
    Just think -- if you only lose 1 lb a week that's 52 pounds in one year!! (some wks might be zero loss -- other weeks might be 3 or 4) -- Your body will react differently all the way through the process.... STAY with it....
    I'm now on week 2 of using the site and like you --- am thrilled to see others in the same boat -- encouraging one another...

    The folks that are really using the site are losers! WEIGHT LOSERS that is!!
    Just look at the 2 previous replies -- BOTH these women have successfully lost 13 & 16 pounds each!
    Isn't that great!?!

    Seeing this -- makes me want to be like them! and when "I" hit 16... I'll see someone else w/ 20 -- and I'll stay encouraged to keep going! GOOD LUCK to you and don't allow yourself to get discouraged! Hugs, Christine