Can any one explain this to me please ??

So I bought a pair of scales 3 weeks ago and started weighing myself every Monday from then. I haven't done any exercise at all I've just been focusing on getting my eating under control.. anyway I've been loosing 2lbs a week (6lbs) in total and i don't understand how. Is it because i'm eating within or just above my calorie goal?? Can some one please explain this to me ??..

Thank-you :)


  • erinn1977
    erinn1977 Posts: 8 Member
    You can lose weight just by watching your calories. Exercising increases your results but not necessary for weight loss. Calories in and calories out. As long as your taking in less calories than your body is using in a day then you will lose weight!
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    yup, aslong as you are taking in less calories than you are using you will lose weight. with or without working out.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    an average of 2 pounds a week is an average of a 1000 calorie deficit a day.
    So say for example, your body burns 2500 calories a day just being alive, going to work, cleaning your house, whatever you do all eat 1500 a day, resulting in a 1000 calorie deficit a day (on average).

    There is your 2 pound a week weight loss explained.

    So, look at the average cals a day you have been actually eating, and add 1000. That's a good estimate of your TDEE.
    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure, AKA Maintenance Calories.

    2 lbs a week is not sustainable long term. Once you are closer to goal, raise your intake by 500 and aim for 1 lb a week. Do this as soon as you feel things are not progressing or if you feel hungry or tired a lot. Then once you are down to the "last few", raise it another 200-300, so you are almost eating at maintenance.

    Then once you feel you are done losing, add about 200 more to hold it steady.
  • I can vouch for it. My first 8kg (17lb) came off thanks to fixing my diet. The next 6kg (13lb) have been by adding some exercise into the mix. For me that exercise has been walking to and from work, which for me is about 7km (~4.5mi).

    I've got to the point now where walking has become easy, so I did my first boot camp this weekend, loved it, but oh god talk about sore.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    an average of 2 pounds a week is an average of a 1000 calorie deficit a day.
    So say for example, your body burns 2500 calories a day just being alive, going to work, cleaning your house, whatever you do all eat 1500 a day, resulting in a 1000 calorie deficit a day (on average).

    There is your 2 pound a week weight loss explained.

    So, look at the average cals a day you have been actually eating, and add 1000. That's a good estimate of your TDEE.
    TDEE is total daily energy expenditure, AKA Maintenance Calories.

    2 lbs a week is not sustainable long term. Once you are closer to goal, raise your intake by 500 and aim for 1 lb a week. Do this as soon as you feel things are not progressing or if you feel hungry or tired a lot. Then once you are down to the "last few", raise it another 200-300, so you are almost eating at maintenance.

    Then once you feel you are done losing, add about 200 more to hold it steady.

    now that I have looked at your profile and ticker...NOW is the time to change your goal to 1 pound per week. With so little to lose, 2 pounds is a good jump start, but you will burn out FAST. Raise your calories now before that happens. Slow it down to a more healthy sustainable loss. Sure it will take a couple extra weeks to lose it all, but summer is a long way off, you have time!
  • denice119
    denice119 Posts: 5 Member
    My calorie intake should by 1840 per day. I have been taking in about 1500 calories a day and i am barely losing a pound or two a month. Can someone explain this?
  • cassiegal724
    cassiegal724 Posts: 63 Member
    My calorie intake should by 1840 per day. I have been taking in about 1500 calories a day and i am barely losing a pound or two a month. Can someone explain this?

    you need to eat at least your basal metabolic rate, which is the minimum number of calories your body needs to perform everyday functions (ie. breathing, pumping blood). I assume this is the 1840 calorie number you are quoting. By eating under that amount, your body is storing all the food you eat into fat because it thinks you are in famine. Try eating at 1840 per day for a couple weeks and see what happens. I am willing to bet that you will not only lose weight, but you will be happier as well.
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    My mom, who is 55, and has been overweight most of my life, ranging from 250-275 and 5'6" tall, recently lost over 100 lbs just by calories. She has not done any exercise regiment whatsoever, she has a bad hip and foot that pains her a lot. She did it over a year, losing about 10lbs a month or so. She's now 140. I think when she was losing she kept her calories around 900-1200, and now she is maintaining at 1400. (not 100% sure of the numbers, but it's close). She eats really healthy and is very careful about the type of food she eats, she eats a LOT of veggies. She just put her mind to it and did it. So, it is possible to lose by only watching calories and not exercising. I don't think it's necessarily the best thing to do, but everyone has to find what works for them. And for her, by virtue of being 100 lbs lighter, she now has less pain and is able to be more active and has more energy. She's my inspiration for being here. She logs her food every day. We both have realized that is just something we probably have to do in some form for the rest of our lives. Otherwise it is too easy to get out of control and over-eat.