Starting over...

Getting back into the swing of things. I joined myfitness pal a few months ago and lost the 20 pounds I gained during pregnancy last year. However I slipped up and haven't been tracking at all. I really need to lose the weight I gained before baby, i call it the "honeymoon weight " ... need some new friends ... :)


  • Desmond056
    Desmond056 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I signed up for this about 5 months back and never did anything with it. I'm now trying again and have had 4 successful days of checking in. I've completely blown my target to bits -- but at least I'm still checking in. Baby steps. Maybe this week (or next), I'll actually be on goal!
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Good Luck with starting over. There is a huge support cast out here, so don't hesitate to call on someone to help with motiviation.