Eating out at an Italian pizzeria restaurant

rainbowws Posts: 41
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone

I'm going for a meal tonight in a pizzeria. They serve pizza, pasta, salads, the common Italian foods. But I don't want to blow my diet!! Am I best just opting for a salad? Sometimes I hear salads can be loaded with calories too and I would like to have something relatively tasty (not just a few lettuce leaves!) but not ruin all my good work this week.

Any advice would be great :)


  • Delley08
    Delley08 Posts: 15 Member
    I usually would eat a slice of cheese pizza with a salad, with the dressing on the side. You can actually have a meal under 350 calories if you plan it just right. Good luck!!!
  • I agree with Delley. Try to spare a few calories through out the day for your dinner out. Eat a piece of cheese or veggie pizza along with the salad. Get a salad with no cheese. Push the crutons to the side and only eat a few of those. Most importantly, enjoy the evening and maybe eat a little lighter tomorrow
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Does the restaurant have a website or have you searched for the restaurants name and "nutritional values" Sometimes they have it all online and you can plan ahead.

    When I go to places like that, I just eat a slice of cheese pizza--on MFP it's listed as NY style cheese pizza. And I get a small house salad--I usually bring my own dressing!
  • slice of cheese pizza and a salad with side dressing (lite if they have it, or even better balsamic vinegar dressing....or if you can get pizza by the slice get a slice no cheese but loaded with veggies (tomatos, peppers, onions, mushrooms etc)...stay away from the bread/pastas....
  • I agree with everyone else.:smile: I would have one slice of cheese or veggie pizza with a lovely crisp salad. I've been out a few times and still managed to lose weight. Its more about portion size so don't go crazy! Have a great night. :bigsmile:
  • When I go to an Italian place, I order spaghetti with marinara sauce and a salad with oil and vinegar. (Always checking to see if they have whole wheat pasta). I end up eating half of it and taking the rest home for the next day's lunch. Works for me!
  • thanks for all the advice everyone! really appreciate your help :) this diet thing really sucks sometimes but gotta stay focussed!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Just remember "portion control" if specific nutrition info isn't available. Good luck!
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