Most embarrassing thing done in front of coworkers?



  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I was working from home one day because I had a stomach virus. I have a daily conference call with my team, and while I thought I had the mic muted I let one rip. Since I was having stomach issues it smelt something awful, and I rather loudly proclaimed how awful it smelt. Then the laughing....hahaha. It was terrible, but funny.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Got smashed drunk at a party a co-worker had, almost everyone I worked with was there.
    Did I mention I was drunk. I see a pool in the backyard, run out there as I'm tearing off my clothes and jump in the pool.
    The party moved out back at that point. They made me put my chonies back on.
    Ran around that backyard jumping in the pool flopping all the furniture, freaking my co-workers out I'm sure.

    Next day at work everyone was hysterical as I walked in. My head hurt.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    When I was in high school, I worked at a children's clothing store as a sales assoc.
    The only guys that worked in there were 3 guys that worked in the stockroom. They were all best friends and were constantly giving us girls a hard time when we had to go to the back for something. One guy in particular I had a crush on.
    All employees shared a bathroom. So, I had to go one day. I knocked and no one said anything. I open the door and there's my crush with his pants down, in full view of me and his 2 best friends. I slammed the door, turned and ran. I was so embarassed.
    As I was running out, one of the guys yells, "Did you see his penis?!". It's safe to say things were awkward for a while after that.
    Wait...why were the three dudes in the bathroom, with one's twig and berries flapping in the wind?
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Well last week one of the guys I work with bought one of those collars for his dog that gives a shock if the dog barks. He wanted to see if it worked, he tried to get one of the guys to do it, but none of them would.
    Me being me (and usually enjoying pain) I said I would try it. :noway:
    I couldn't get it to go off. I must not bark loud enough :laugh:

    Needless to say, I have been getting razzed for even trying.:laugh:
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Okay, so this morning I managed to totally embarrass myself in front of my co workers. I am the only female employee. So this morning I am talking to several of my male counterparts when one points to something behind me and says "Uhmm... whats that?." In the floor behind me was a super sized maxi pad that had fallen out of my pocket. As soon as he points it out everyone starts laughing and giving me crap. It was embarrassing. As they are all leaving they say "We'll be back in a week when we know it's safe!"

    So that made me start thinking, tell me about some of your embarrassing moments. I need a good laugh!
    My wife's old boss was good friend of ours. He was talking with my wife one day about gardening and she mentioned some bushes we had that had a very sweet smell. Couple days later he's in some meeting and is chit chatting with couple people on same subject. He couldn't remember the type of plant so he calls my wife on speaker phone and says "Hey, Kathy, what do you call that sweet smelling bush of yours?" Took him several minutes to figure out why EVERYBODY was laughing hysterically.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I sit on an exercise ball at work. It came with a manual pump where you put the nozzle in the ball and do an up and down motion.......I had 5 guys looking at me blowing my ball. I think a few of them needed a smoke after that!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have a really good one, but it didn't happen to me, but if I say that it happened to a colleague, everyone will assume that it was actually me. It's really good, though. I wish I could tell you.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    When my powers first began to manifest, I took way too much serum. It was intended as a cure, but instead I grew blue fur and turned into a monster. Everybody was all like, "Ohhhh, snap! You really messed up".

    Then, this other time? Gamma radiation. Now, all it takes is for one little staff meeting to go awry and I really just lose it. So embarrassing. I have a tough time finding work clothes to fit sometimes, but it all comes out okay most of the time.