Sore burning calves while doing C25K

I started the C25K about a month ago and just started week 4 and i find the longer i run the more my calves start to hurt, ache burn and get cramp. I feel like i could go a lot longer if it wasnt for my legs hurting so bad. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas. I do stretch and drink lots of water (I could liekly drink more before my workout). When i walk they never burn or ache but as i jog it is hard to push through.


  • runningforlife68
    Try using a foam roller....they are awesome! Also check to make sure you have good shoes and if those don't work maybe back off just a little bit on your runs. Some aches and pains are pretty normal but it shouldn't be so bad that you hate it or can't run anymore. Good luck!
  • balthahm
    balthahm Posts: 3 Member
    What sort of shoes are you wearing? If they're a 'minimalist' type or anything with a low heel rise it can feel like every step is a calf press. Lots of people need a loooooong time to get used to that type of shoe since we spend our days in things with bigger heels.

    Otherwise, foam roller!! I got mine at Target :) Biofreeze maybe, if you like that. I'm a huge fan of compression sleeves, too. They make calves happy!
  • s_fehr
    s_fehr Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks!!! I have merrell runners but i'm not sure that they are meant for running. I should probably go and get fitted for proper running shoes. I do want to enjoy the run because If my legs didnt hurt i think i could go a lot further!!!
  • s_fehr
    s_fehr Posts: 18 Member
    Foam roller!!! I should try it! Thanks! Shoes yes, i have merrell runners, likely not meant for long running! I will look into that too!!