Fat Sick and Nearly Dead-Reboot your life

kyunda Posts: 340 Member
Hi, guys! Im on day 3 of the reboot your life 15day juicing and eating plan. Has anyone done this before? I would love to hear any tips that you have.



  • sarrymerry
    sarrymerry Posts: 59 Member
    wow not too many rebooters here on MFP! :)
    well, I am on day 12 of a 30 day reboot, I'm FINALLY starting to feel really good! It's been a really hard challenge filled with many weak and terrible moments where I have questioned my sanity and prayed for the juicer to die!! But thankfully I have pushed through them and haven't fallen off the wagon yet and I don't intend to!
    How was your reboot?
  • VermiciousKnid
    VermiciousKnid Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on day 4 and doing great. Not physically hungry, but it's mentally difficult especially at night. My only real side effect thus far has been insomnia for the first 3 days but I finally slept well last night. I expected it to be much worse since I heavily consumed both diet soda and alcohol.

    Not sure how long I will stick it out. I was aiming for 10 days and then transitioning to juicing during the day and a healthy dinner, but time will tell.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    thanks ladies! I did it for almost 2 weeks and lost about 6lbs! But i felt really tired during that time. I may try again but only on the weekends or before i start a new workout plan.
  • MrsCassieThreatt
    MrsCassieThreatt Posts: 42 Member
    I've been rebooting since Saturday and lost 12 pounds. I can't sleep at night but its working like a charm otherwise.
  • aolive2
    aolive2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm getting started with a reboot juice fast. For those that have tired it and had success... Do you have anything other than juice? I cannot live without caffeine so I am planning to have 1-2 cups of coffee (black) along with my juice and water..
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    i totally loved the video (its on netflix and amazon) - although you get everything from the 10min youtube trailer. it totally gets you jazzed about getting healthy. I also liked the idea of juicing for nutrients, and tried it for a couple days but didn't like it. My thoughts are that its just a low calorie diet. The guy (Cross) in the video used the low calorie diet to lose weight, and losing weight is the main reason that all his health issues cleared up. But you look at him trying to exercise (like when he was "power walking" at the beach and he definitely looks winded...from walking!! It made me think that its not the way for me (not to mention that it totally messed up my digestive system (had the runs the whole time I was on it! lol, sorry to be graphic)! Also, there's a lot of evidence against the raw food diet in general (cooking opens up food for more and different nutrients...although raw juice probably does have lots of micro-nutrients that can be lost through cooking/processing).

    Where I've come out - if it appeals to you and works for you that is great. It is mentally pretty simple because its all you can drink - so no hard choices. but, I think the more long lasting, healthier option is to eat a clean healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables (even add some mean green juice in there) and you will lose weight and get results...maybe not as quickly as he did, but they will be losses that you can sustain. And, unlike Cross in the video over 60 days, I think its a big shame to leave out exercise....cardio and strength training should be part of everyone's life - its how you get healthy and live long. The juice cleanse (IMHO) is just an attractive quick fix to a longer term problem.
  • Quinones7
    hi everyone. I just completed my 1st 7 day reboot 2 weeks ago. Tomorrow i start my first 30 day reboot! loved the movie!
  • Quinones7
    i lost 12.6lbs in those 7 days.

    Remember when juice fasting, MOST of that is water weight because you're body stops swelling the first few days. You will lose a combination of water, fat & muscle in the 1st week. That's why i am going for 30 days...to reap the benefits of filling my body with 100% healthy fats & carbs & proteins & nutrients=)...To detox my skin, expect to break out before your skin gets healthy and Im expecting to lose 30lbs (up to 60lbs) while enjoying 80% veggies and 20% fruit for 30 days and up to 60 if i have the willpower. After juicing I will CONTINUE my road to being a clean eater(80-95%) to reach my goal weight and continue clean eating (80-95%) to maintain my weight and lifestyle of being healthy and taking care of my body.

    REMEMBER JUICE FASTING TO ***just **LOSE WEIGHT IS NOT A GREAT. You'll get frustrated, watch the scale, maybe lose a lot of weight but will eventually gain it ALL back plus more if you have not premade the decision BEFORE FASTING to change your diet INDEFINITELY .

    I am confident in my juicing journey because i invested the time to learn about food and the chemicals they legally add. After reading, watching documentaries and common sense I finally had my "ah ha!" moment. I think this is what the last poster was concerned about.(although its weird for them to hop on a forum of something they dont agree with just to say they dont agree.) I say do what works for you for the right reasons WITH a permanent lifestyle changing game plan.

    I'm also training for my 1st 5k color run in ft lauderdale, fl in may. That should help keep me active, distracted and goal oriented while JUICING for 30 days! JUICE ON =)