Ready to live again

Recently one of my co-workers lost his dad and as we were at the funeral I was watching his son and it struck me.
This little boy will never get to know his grandpa.
He will never go fishing or get gifts and be spoiled by him as all grand kids should be.

Growing up I was always active, played baseball and football in school. After HS I joined the Marines and for years after I exercised regularly. Then I had a bad accident and was put on the sidelines for a long time, slowly the weight started piling on and before I knew it I was buying larger clothes and the sad part was that I didn't even think twice.

I have always enjoyed playing sports and even after getting FAT i still participated in recreational sports like softball and volleyball with the occasional flag football game thrown in. However this year has been very hard, I would get winded from hitting a single and God forbid I would try to stretch it out to a double then i would be out of breath for a while but of course I would play it off (Can't show weakness right?)

Well now my wife and I have been blessed with a beautiful granddaughter and I want to be able to grow old spoiling her and watching her grow up.

It's time for me to get back to the life I have always enjoyed. I am doing this for me and no one else but I need some encouragement and support.

Please feel free to add me and let's help each other in this journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read this