Hi new friends! What's your plan?

I'm technically not new to MFP, but I've never bothered to use the forums or add any friends until recently. I also didn't get super serious about losing weight until recently. I lost 65 once before, but managed to gain back nearly 50 pounds. I've done several half marathons and a full marathon, but apparently the running made me hungry so I just ate whatever I wanted and thought the running would prevent me from gaining weight. Obviously incorrect.

I'll be doing Tough Mudder in June, so I want to lose 40 pounds by then and get much stronger. I want to cut back on the running and introduce strength training activities. After several failed attempts at weight loss over the last year, my plan now is to introduce one new habit per month in order to build healthy habits that I can stick with (rather than overwhelm myself with a bunch of changes at once. I started this plan the Monday after Thanksgiving. So far so good.

Operation Lose-40-Pounds-And-Get-Fit-For-Tough-Mudder:

November 26 - December 26
Continue running 2-4 days a week
Begin using MyFitnessPal consistently to make better food/calorie choices to lose weight
(Weigh 168 by December 29)

December 26 - January 26
Continue running 2-4 days a week
Continue using MyFitnessPal consistently to lose weight
Begin the One Hundred Push Ups Challenge (a 6-week program)
(Weigh 162 by January 26)

January 26 - February 26
Continue running 2-4 days a week (focus on speedwork)
Continue using MyFitnessPal consistently to lose weight
Continue the One Hundred Push Ups Challenge
Begin doing yoga consistently
(Weigh 155 by February 26)

February 26 - March 26
Continue running 3-4 days a week (focus on distance)
Continue using MyFitnessPal consistently to lose weight
Continue doing push ups consistently
Continue doing yoga consistently
Begin lifting weights at the gym 2-3 days a week
(Weigh 150 by March 26)

March 26 - April 26
Continue running 3-4 days a week (focus on speedwork)
Continue using MyFitnessPal consistently to lose weight
Continue doing push ups consistently
Continue doing yoga consistently
Continue lifting weights 2-3 days a week
Begin Twenty Five Pull Ups Challenge
(Weigh 142.5 by April 27)

April 26 - May 26
Continue running 3-4 days a week (train hard this month)
Continue using MyFitnessPal consistently to lose weight
Continue doing push ups consistently
Continue doing yoga consistently
Continue lifting weights 2-3 days a week
Continue pull ups challenge
Begin swimming at least once a week
(Weigh 136.5 by May 25)

May 26 - June 1
Run easy this week
Detox - no alcohol, no sugar, no dairy
Two full rest days this week
One swim day
Tough Mudder!
(Weigh 135 by June 1)

What do you think? Any tips/advice? What has worked for you and what hasn't? Have you done Tough Mudder?

Thanks! (Feel free to add me as a friend!)


  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I can't say that I have it broken down so far as to months... lol but my long term goal is to lose 120 lbs.
    Short term is 2lbs per week.

    the main goal is to get fit and healthy and be able to keep up with my kids (teens who are very active) my daughter and husband both play lacrosse and this is something that I would love to be share with them instead of just watching. My son just had back surgery this past spring, and when doctors ok him, he also will be getting back into lacrosse.

    My goal is not necessarily to be thin, but to be strong. I am doing one heavy weight training session a week and want to turn a lot of my fat into muscle! this has always been a dream of mine, and to be strong and able to do many activities with the family.

    By next year I want to be able to go snowboarding with my kids (son will be able to by then as well), and hiking with my husband.
  • Damnee_27
    Damnee_27 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow thats insane, in the best way tho. I don't have a plan but I know I want to run a marathon in the summer, and definitely lose my last 10lbs possibly by new years. So that'll involve cardio and resistance training, and consequently a gym membership. Impressed with the plan! Add me :)