Work Christmas Party.

I knew I had picked the wrong time to try to get healthy and lose weight!

This Friday is the work Christmas party - unhealthy food and lots of alcohol, the week after is the WI Christmas meal and the week after that is the three course work Christmas lunch! The meals I can pretty much handle - I am working on my will power and eating just a bit of what I want. Eating the vegetables first like my mum always told me.

The problem is the Christmas party!

I don't want to be the boring one but I haven't had any fizzy pop for two weeks and am finally overcoming the craving for it. I feel like drinking it again on one night would set me off drinking it every day.

The same with alcohol. I don't drink very often anyway but when I do I drink Jack Daniels and cola (bad cola!) or Southern Comfort and lemonade (bad lemonade!) so I don't know what to do for the best.

I just know that people will go on and on about it and make loads of comments as just eating a salad or turning down a bacon sandwich leads to a major inquest in the office. I finally feel like I have made the commitment to lose weight and have lost 6 pounds in my first two weeks and I don't want to backslide.

What do you say when people try to push food or drink onto you? I am pretty shy and don't like confrontation!


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Best thing to do is ignore them. No one can emotionally "make" you feel anything. So if they want to make little comments about your choices, just smile and shrug it off. Check in with your support peeps (whether those there with you or MFP), vent a little, then go back to the party with your chin up.

    I don't drink often and when people comment, I just tell them that. I don't drink often. In your case, just let them know you are cutting back on the alcohol. Or if you do drink - get diet soda with that Jack Daniels.

    So what if people talk. People WILL talk..all the time. Whether if it is because you ate a salad instead of that bacon sandwhich or you decided to wear a skirt instead of jeans, or you let your hair down or put it up.

    It's all on you what you let bother you and who you decide to listen to :)
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    First off, as a lifelong Jack drinker myself, I do Jack on the rocks with some water and cherry, perfect drink to me because I can nurse it, feel a decent buzz off two and I haven't consumed a lot of calories.

    Second, the most polite thing to say when people offer you something you don't/shouldn't eat a simple "no thank you' does the job 95% of the time in my experience. Those that don't take that for an answer, I politely take a small piece of whatever they are offering, walk away and then a few minutes later I throw it out without having them see.

    Also, Joylia is right, people will talk, but who cares? If you let the talking get to you, that's more on you then on them. We have all made the decision to get healthy and eat properly and those that don't support you are the one's with the problem not you. If you aren't going to judge their poor choices, what right do they have to judge your better choices?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh, and you said you picked the wrong time to get healthy...BUZZZZ! NOPE!

    You didn't pick the wrong time to get just picked a time where there are a bit more challenges laid out for you. It's never the wrong time to make good life choices. *hugs*

    And you can so kick these challenges in the butt! :D
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I'm trying to lose weight but I'm nota nun and my life isn't over! I drink, eat and get it on!

    It's the holidays, enjoy this time of the year! Get yourself a nice food (turkey, lean meat, some veggies, salad, fruits), and a drink or two!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Go to gym for three hours on the morning of the party, then eat what you want.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Prelog some of the foods you think will be there, and leave yourself some room for error.
  • Rowdybandit
    I think you picked the perfect time. I started trying to cut back right before Thanksgiving so i wouldn't have another year of packing on the lbs over the holidays.
    Look at it as on opportunity, not a burden.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Are you piloting your own chassis or have you left yourself on auto-pilot? You do realize that you can be in control, sometimes you have to override the system (habit).
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I knew I had picked the wrong time to try to get healthy and lose weight!

    This Friday is the work Christmas party - unhealthy food and lots of alcohol, the week after is the WI Christmas meal and the week after that is the three course work Christmas lunch! The meals I can pretty much handle - I am working on my will power and eating just a bit of what I want. Eating the vegetables first like my mum always told me.

    The problem is the Christmas party!

    I don't want to be the boring one but I haven't had any fizzy pop for two weeks and am finally overcoming the craving for it. I feel like drinking it again on one night would set me off drinking it every day.

    The same with alcohol. I don't drink very often anyway but when I do I drink Jack Daniels and cola (bad cola!) or Southern Comfort and lemonade (bad lemonade!) so I don't know what to do for the best.

    I just know that people will go on and on about it and make loads of comments as just eating a salad or turning down a bacon sandwich leads to a major inquest in the office. I finally feel like I have made the commitment to lose weight and have lost 6 pounds in my first two weeks and I don't want to backslide.

    What do you say when people try to push food or drink onto you? I am pretty shy and don't like confrontation!

    People sure do have a problem with this. I guess my position is that you just say "no thank you". Don't let people bully you. This is ridiculous. This about the 15th post like this I've seen in the past few days.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Okay..on a softer

    For some of us, it's just common sense AND easy for us to say "No."

    For other's it isn't. It might be a self-esteem thing or maybe even due to cultural upbringing/how they were raised. But hopefully, as they get more confident and learn to make better choices -they'll learn that it is okay to just say No :D
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Go to gym for three hours on the morning of the party, then eat what you want.

    I like the way you think! LOL
  • tat2dzombiegirl
    tat2dzombiegirl Posts: 54 Member
    I like the idea of working out that morning beforehand. I did it on thanksgiving. Being healthy earlier in the day definitely made me stay on track better that evening.

    I heard eating a snack beforehand works, so when people ask you can say you had a big lunch. Try some protein, that will keep you full.

    If you indulge, split dessert with a friend. It's just as delicious and it is the season to share. :)

    Soda water has no calories. If I drink I'll have a vodka with soda water not tonic and add a few limes. Have you tried mineral water? It's so tasty and has no calories.

    Have fun at the party. Talking moves your mouth without eating. :)
  • plaingirly
    Thank you for all the fab advice!

    Not sure what sort of food will be there - 80s food as it is an 80s party! Not sure what that entails! Bad enough that I will be wearing leggings.

    Just got to learn to be tougher I guess. I am a bit of a mouse in person! I don't like standing out or attention or anything!

    Will have to just dance for hours! One thing I will do is log everything honestly. I am over hiding my eating habits!

    You know, I just realised that if someone I know asked me what to do I would tell them to just say "No, thank you." not sure why it is so hard to make the best decision for myself. I would tell anyone in my position with all the comments not to put up with it!
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Try cranberry juice with carbonated water instead, it's festive and not loaded with sugar! Also, there are going to be 10000 times in your life where you have to make smart, healthy decisions, a christmas party is just another day.
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    "ive had enough, thanks"