No cheese......FOR THIS?!

Ladysquire Posts: 61 Member
Hi all

For the last week I've been seeing a personal trainer. He put me on a nutrition plan that he explained may seem restricted but he wanted to see if I have any intolerance to dairy and basically 'shock' my body into getting started on the weight loss path.

So for the past week I've been on no dairy, no starchy carbs and minimal sugar. Fun! In all honestly its actually not that bad but I really did expect to see a decent loss in my first week. I've just got on the scales and I've lost just over 1lb.

Now with the amount I have to lose that isn't a lot at all. In a normal week1-2lbs would be great but in my first week of this plan I expected 3-4 to come off. Is that unrealistic? Keeping in mind I want to lose around 80lbs

I weigh in with him tomorrow and I feel like he's going to be as disappointed as I am.

Should I be expecting a slow start here?


  • first off, hiya!

    secondly, you know that it takes a 3500 calorie deficit to see even a lbs come off. that means you gotta cut it out of your diet, or burn it off baby, burn burn burn. so if you are thinking 3-4lbs a week, that's between a 10,500- 14,000 calorie deficit a week. I don't know what your calorie intake was prior to your journey, but losing weight at that rate (without surgery) is super dangerous (and even then with the surgery it is still dangerous).

    Were you having any reactions prior to the strict diet?
    Dry / Itchy skin
    irritable bowels/ qwirked up digestive system
    belching/passing gas
    water weight
    awkward joint pain
    Acid reflux / Indigestion

    I thought I had an issue with wheat and/or dairy and I tried to cut it out of my diet. I still had issues...still had the weight. I tried a candida cleanse. (i used a supplement called Candida Clear, by the manufacturer brand NOW. It's found in natural food stores). within a week of taking it, i dropped about 3lbs, dropped a lot of the bloating and water weight and I was relieved of my acid reflux and chronic indigestion. I went off of it after about two weeks and only some symptoms reappeared, and even then was not half of what it was when it was there. I continued to take the entire bottle until it was gone. I felt better while i was taking them. I had no negative side effect either (i'm big on watching for those kinds of things).

    and the CC is not some colon cleanse thing. It's not gonna make you run for the bathroom, or at least I didn't have any issues. I know that everyone is different, but it's at least something to check out. Google it. do some research. get more opinions than this crazy bat replying to your posst. haha.

    I hope things go well for you. keep to it, and keep healthy. the weight should only be a positive side effect to becoming a healthy person. :)

  • Ladysquire
    Ladysquire Posts: 61 Member

    Thanks for the reply

    I know you're right with the calorie deficit and maybe I am just setting my expectations too high. Like you say, I should concentrate on being healthier as opposed to just being concerned about the weight.

    Prior to this I only had a few of the below Dry skin, headaches, insomnia.

    I didn't have these issues before I moved to NZ though

    I guess once I see him tonight and we weigh in we'll review what I'm doing/eating.

    Thank for the advice re the Canada Clear! I'll have a look into it. Anything that helps :)

  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 476 Member
    I find your list of symptoms intriguing... Wonder if I have an intolerance to something since I have about 5 of them lol...
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