Pick yourself up, shake yourself down ...

I felt compelled to post this little tale this evening, hopefully to help anyone else going through a similar bad patch with diet/new lifestyle.

On Saturday I went nuts. When I say nuts, I mean my calorie consumption was just horrendous. I ate like my tummy was a bottomless pit and I consumed 4500 calories. By the end of the night I had a very sore tummy and was feeling very sorry for myself. I convinced myself that despite my weight loss to date that I was still that same old over-eater and that this was the beginning of a downward spiral. It had all been a bit too good to be true that I could have been so successful in changing my life. On Sunday I woke up feeling down in the dumps, teary, lacking in energy. I kept eating too much, albeit slightly healthier foods and decided I wasn't going to do my usual Sunday workout. I kept telling myself that I'd lost my 'diet mojo' and that I wasn't going to be able to overcome the sugar cravings now or through Christmas.

Well, thankfully my husband (clever man!) pointed out to me that there was a very good chance that my hunger on Saturday was most likely a combination of dehydration and hormones and that my poor mood following on from my bad day was just a come down from all the sugar. I took his word for it and decided that Monday was a new day and that I'd eat clean for the day and see if I felt any better. Well, by lunchtime I was feeling back to my old self, fully of energy, not desperately hungry and full of resolve to do a work out after work. I felt so much happier and now that I've been out for a run, had a good dinner and am sat here updating MFP, I'm filled with pride at my new found ability to pick myself up, shake myself down and get back on the horse ...so to speak.

Sorry that's a bit long and perhaps you've heard a similar story on here a thousand times but I just wanted to say that if a serial dieter/self-saboteur like me can pick myself up after a bad weekend then you can too. Good luck everyone. It's a wonderful thing we are all doing.