Running outside in ice, which Yaktrax?

There is the Yaktrax run but also the pro, is the pro enough for moderately icy conditions? What have been your experiences?


  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    I much prefer "screw shoes" and last year ran outside all winter in MN in them and trusted them completely. 1/2" slotted head sheet metal screws screwed into the bottom of your normal running shoes. Cheap, stable, and very effective!!! Google for instructions/video.
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    The Yaktrax coils apparently break down very quickly. You need something with the little spikes sticking out from the rubber. The spikes are replaceable but you can usually get a couple of winters out of them. As well make sure that the ones you get go over the whole front of your foot as the cheaper ones only go over the tip of the toes and they come right off. These are the ones I use and have been using for the last several winters. My friend, however, went with the Asic spiked shoes and loves them. Asic shoes wrecked my knees the first winter so I am not willing to give up my Sauconys for them.
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    I much prefer "screw shoes" and last year ran outside all winter in MN in them and trusted them completely. 1/2" slotted head sheet metal screws screwed into the bottom of your normal running shoes. Cheap, stable, and very effective!!! Google for instructions/video.

    I am intrigued enough to want to try that, it sounds crazy LOL! I googled and found this
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    I much prefer "screw shoes" and last year ran outside all winter in MN in them and trusted them completely. 1/2" slotted head sheet metal screws screwed into the bottom of your normal running shoes. Cheap, stable, and very effective!!! Google for instructions/video.

    I am intrigued enough to want to try that, it sounds crazy LOL! I googled and found this

    Yes, that's it! It's an AWESOME solution! And a lg pkg at Home Depot is about $2. I think I used about 1/2 over the course of last winter. I didn't really trust the idea until I got the testimony of my dog's vet, a longtime runner. I was shocked at how stable it is and was not preoccupied with slipping or falling at all. Saved my winter running! The treadmill kills my soul.

    Good luck!

    ETA: I used a pair of shoes that was more than half-worn. Put them in the closet at the end of last winter and have had them out once already this year.