Hi...I'm new...and I could use some advice :)

I'm, obviously, new to this site...and the larger one in general. I welcome all peeps with opinions. I'm about to start the Paleo/Primal venture, but am hesitant because I have a young daughter...who (pause for effect) doesn't like meat. She does enjoy veggies and fruits...but she isn't too keen on meats. This is difficult, no?

Also, where do I even begin? All at once, baby-stepping, small goals...etc? Do I have to give up tea? I keep seeing conflicting information: milk is bad...cheese is okay... tea isn't 'natural' enough...etc... Help? Please?

And finally... where do I muster the will-power, I know I'll need, to walk away from all the "yummy tasting" stuff out there? I know it is horrible for me, I know it is bad for my insides (heck...it's bad for the outsides as well) and is full of bad chemicals and other stuff...but...it still tastes good.

Thanks...I thought this was the Paleo site...if it's not, please forgive me, I'm still learning to navigate the site...bear with me :smile:


  • Good luck as u begin ur journey. Mfp us awesome! Get some friends on here and they will encourage u every single day! U can add me if u want. And u dont need to walk away from everything. Try to get some fruits and veggies in and if u want a fun size candy bar here and there go for it. Just stay under ur allowed calories and u will lose. I have went from 155 to 121.5. I love this site! Good luck again!
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    the will power you just have to find it somewhere whether its from looking in the mirror, looking at the scale, or something else whatever gives you a drive to get healthier. and as far as advice for where to start id say just dive right in and get going! start exercising (not only cardio) and find healthy foods that are a treat to you (mine are apples and almonds)

    hope this helps!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Search for the Paleo group and ask questions there :flowerforyou:

    A lot of people in the main forums are ot too friendly with any 'style' diets/lifestyles. you can find A LOT of great info if you chat with the people who are living the lifestyle.

    Have fun, and remember, be 100 honest w/ yourself on the site!! It is all for your benefit, not what ANYONE thinks. Good luck!
  • Raivyn
    Raivyn Posts: 6 Member
    the choices you make should not have a large effect your daughter. You should be able to keep her diet similar to what it has been. Remember she is not dieting and quite honestly, it is healthy for her to not prefer meat as long as she is getting other good sources of protien and iron. My daughter was a self proclaimed vegetarian until she was 3, its just her bodies natural instinct. Some humans crave meat and others can't stand it. I have a friend who has recently switched her family to a very little to no meat diet because after all her research and discussions with different Dr.s she realized it was the healthier decision. Do what's right for your body but do not make it right for hers, remember she is growing differently and at such a young age fruits and especially veggies are an important foundation. If you trust your heart & instincts, you know your daughter best and as her mom you will find yourself instinctually doing what is right (even if you are second guessing yourself, it will be ok). Take it from one mom to another as we tend to stress way too much about our babies :)
  • the choices you make should not have a large effect your daughter. You should be able to keep her diet similar to what it has been. Remember she is not dieting and quite honestly, it is healthy for her to not prefer meat as long as she is getting other good sources of protien and iron. My daughter was a self proclaimed vegetarian until she was 3, its just her bodies natural instinct. Some humans crave meat and others can't stand it. I have a friend who has recently switched her family to a very little to no meat diet because after all her research and discussions with different Dr.s she realized it was the healthier decision. Do what's right for your body but do not make it right for hers, remember she is growing differently and at such a young age fruits and especially veggies are an important foundation. If you trust your heart & instincts, you know your daughter best and as her mom you will find yourself instinctually doing what is right (even if you are second guessing yourself, it will be ok). Take it from one mom to another as we tend to stress way too much about our babies :)

    I know, right? She's my little Pnut, and I want her to be/do/stay/insert whatever...good/healthy/happy/etc...

    I thought this was the Paleo site...my bad :) Thank you for the tips though :)
  • jjolynmill
    jjolynmill Posts: 14 Member
    Will Power? Well honestly I have been doing this 3 years, it will be there and be boosted when you see the scale move and your body and life change, however there will be those time of plateaus and deflation of will power. That is when we need each other to keep us from freaking out because we have been losing and all of a sudden we can't get things to budge. You will need people. When your thoughts are getting negative you will need to hear the positive. I do so much better at this when my husband is making the effort too. Hearing how he can now get his arms around me or how I am being so much more active as a mother changes my perspective from the scale and body to life improvement in general.

    Record all your victories. I can remember the first time my wedding ring was able to slide off my finger after being stuck for 2 years. Or running the bases with my son at teeball. Being able to cross my legs for the first time since highschool. I even tried on my wedding dress from 13 years ago and got it halfway zipped. Things like this are great reminders of my progress because I still am 265 in my head.

    Celebrate your weight loss. When I lost my first 50 I got a tattoo. After I reached >200 we went on a cruise. Our first real family vacation. Plan your meals, plan your exercise and plan what you will do to celebrate each section of weightloss.