Been Fat Long Enough...The World Needs To See A Diff Me

Bonjour All!

SymphonyTruth here! 30 year old woman and wife with no kids. I've been a Fat girl for 24 of my 30 years living. I cannot have children because my Fat is my child. Basically, due to health issues I need to lose weight before my body will be able to properly prepare for pregnancy. So, here we here we are, yet again, going to lose weight. Why?... because there is no other option, no shortcuts this time. Feel free to journey with me as I blog about this divine driven, life changing experience. It will be interesting, to say the least, as I walk through my Fat present and past. Discovering what started the snowball to morbid obesity, what my triggers and weaknesses are and the new discoveries I find. Let's work together and motivate each other!!! I look forward to your support and offering you mine.

Au Revoir!!!