Polar FT4 HRM not finding my heart rate

so i know there are a lot of topics on the FT4 already and i apologize, but none that i can find seem to exactly match my situation. i just got one of these the other day and have used it for 2 workouts - i followed all the instructions and tried all the troubleshooting ideas i found (most from on mfp) online, but i still can't get it to find my heart rate and hold it. the first workout, it wouldn't pick up anything from the transmitter at all, and the second workout, it flashed my hr for like a minute and then lost it (mind you i kept it on during the whole workout and it never picked it back up).

i made sure the strap was wet enough, i made sure it was tight enough (i've tried tightening it as much as possible and that doesn't work either), i adjusted the placement of the strap and transmitter, i've washed the strap with liquid dish soap and let it dry. i don't know what else to try besides just taking it back (and since it was a gift...that i knew i was getting and picked out...i feel bad about it).

the only other thing i'm questioning is the placement of it...it says to put it directly under your chest muscles. this is awkward, but my chest size isn't exactly small, so i feel like i have it placed really low. i even tried putting it way up high (if you know what i mean) but that just isn't feasible to work out like that and it still doesn't find my hr. do other women have this issue? am i doing something wrong or should i just exchange it for a different one?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It may just be defective. I wear my strap the same place as a bra band would go. The only time I've had an issue with mine was when the battery was dying.
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    It may be the placement of the chest strap. I wear mine right below my boobs and aligned with the bottom band of my bra (a little awkward at first but once it's on right you shouldn't really even feel it) . I always check the HR transmission before I start my workout. Also make sure the band and transmitter are both right-side up. Be sure to remove the transmitter right after your workout too. If you're still having problems after you've checked the fitting and connections, you may want to exchange it; you might have just gotten a defective unit. Don't give up, I love my Polar HRM and would get a new one in a minute if something went wrong with it.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    This happens a lot actually. I have owned dozens of HRM's and this is pretty common. Sometimes you just need to replace the chest strap. Polar is really good at replacing these under warranty btw. I also found that sometimes they just take time to register your pulse. My current one wont register it for a good 5 mins and shows zero and then it kicks in and works fine. Just contact polar and have them fix it or just get a new one. Likely has more to do with being defective than where you are placing it as the coverage range is pretty good one these HRM's.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    It may just be defective. I wear my strap the same place as a bra band would go. The only time I've had an issue with mine was when the battery was dying.

    what she said
  • 05saleengirl
    Ive had my FT4 do it once or twice. I make sure that the module is placed under where my bra is, but right above my sternum. I 99.9% of the time get it to read with no problem. If it continues, I adgee it may be defective. Your chest size shouldn't have anything to do with it....
  • echamin
    echamin Posts: 41 Member
    I had a similar problem but mine was working initially then started acting up. I changed the battery and still didn't work right. I exchanged it and the new one has had no issues. I say exchange it. :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Position - bra strap level, check also on someone else.
    Defective strap
    Defective emitter
    Defective watch
    You are a zombie ;)

    Check in that order.
  • linderzoid
    thank you all for your help! i did try it on my bf and it picked his heart rate up for a few seconds and then lost it again. i do position the strap basically directly under my bra strap so i guess that isn't the issue.

    my plan is to exchange it for a different one today and if that doesn't work, i'll contact polar and have them replace the strap or transmitter or something.

    also there is a very, very good possibility that i might just be a zombie. :indifferent: