Tips on dealing with excessive hunger?

The last 2 weeks I have been crazy hungry. I have been logging in around 1,400 to 2,600 during that time.
My diary entries are posted on my profile. Will admit that they won't look good for a couple days, I have been carb loading for no reason, it's the only food that sounds good.
I have tried going to bed hungry, only to be kept awake with stomach pains and growling. Even with a light snack before bed within 30 minutes it creeps back up. What gives?
I had a morning where I had a high fiber, high protein and decent fat macro breakfast with plenty of calories and 30 minutes after felt like I was gonna naw my leg off!

What do you do to keep the hungries away? Have any of you experienced this type of thing before?


  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    The only way I can deal with hunger is to eat more food, but certain foods certainly keep me fuller longer. Just checked out your food diary. Looks like you eat a lot of sugar and refined carboydrates. Breads, fruits, cookies, jelly, etc., will not keep you full, no matter how many calories are in them. I would definitely recommend eating a lot more protein and a little more fat to feel satiated.

    And please, don't accept MFP macros as accurate.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    You are craving carbs because your body does not have enough energy from the food you have eaten as the carbs you are eating are poor quality.

    From what I know, things like bread and pastas are high GI which causes a sugar spike and probably the full feeling you are no doubt getting after you eat, but then you are hungry an hour later.

    To be honest, If I ate your diet for a few days, I would be hungry too. You are eating nothing that would fill you up (in a good way).

    I would cut back on the bread (pizza), pasta and cookies. All loaded with sugars and in my opinion, the more sugar you eat the more you crave.

    Why not try drinking water. Most of the time when you feel hungry, your body is simply dehydrated.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Protein keeps you full longer, so increasing your protein should help. I watched a documentary that says eating soup will keep you fuller longer. I have not tried this out yet, just something you might try.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    You are craving carbs because your body does not have enough energy from the food you have eaten as the carbs you are eating are poor quality.

    From what I know, things like bread and pastas are high GI which causes a sugar spike and probably the full feeling you are no doubt getting after you eat, but then you are hungry an hour later.

    To be honest, If I ate your diet for a few days, I would be hungry too. You are eating nothing that would fill you up (in a good way).

    I would cut back on the bread (pizza), pasta and cookies. All loaded with sugars and in my opinion, the more sugar you eat the more you crave.

    Why not try drinking water. Most of the time when you feel hungry, your body is simply dehydrated.
    this is all u need to know
  • hedgehogia
    hedgehogia Posts: 40 Member
    I eat low carb and high protein. Divide your weight in half and try to eat that many grams of protein a day. Drink lots of water! 16 oz when you wake up in the morning and 4 more of the same during the day. This really should help.
  • Looking at your diary it looks like you could use more protein! It keeps you fuller for longer than carbs ever will!
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    1400 to 2600 is a big range. maybe just try eating a little more than 1400 most days. find out what your maintenance calories are and go a little under that. is a good resource. probably what is happening is on the 1400 days you are not getting enough so it makes you want to eat more on the 2600 days. find a nice number that satisfies you, eat filling foods. drink water. it all helps
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    drink a little more water.....sorry but that is what I do.... I have found I'm not really hungry but thirsty.....but that works for me. Hope you find what works for you
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Try a protein shake
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Blood sugar peaks and troughs can carry over from day to day, one day of a good breakfast is not going to fix bad choices made over days or weeks. If you don't get enough micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, essential fats) your body may tell you to eat more to get those - no, a vitamin pill is not a substitute for a healthy diet.

    I went back two weeks on your diary. Much of what you are eating is processed nutrient poor junk, your fibre intake is low, your sugar intake is high and there is little in the way of fruits and vegetables. Your carbs are sugar, refined white flour and potatoes which are high on the glycaemic index. Go back to basics, eat real food that looks much like it did as it came off the plant or animal - nine portions of fruit and veggies in the full rainbow of colours, three portions of reduced fat dairy, protein at every meal and snack, healthy fats a couple of times a day, make all your carbs wholegrains or beans/ lentils.

    Keep processed foods to 10% of your daily calories, that means one small treat per day. Anything else that is junky cook or bake a healthy version at home. You want fries eat sweet potato ones, you want a burger buy a quality one and cook it yourself, serve with a massive mixed salad (enough for two or three people, red/ yellow/ green/ orange/ blue/ purple in it) and half a wholegrain bun.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    My name is Pat and I am a carboholic.

    I went cold turkey and cut out bread pasta rice and potatos on New Years Eve 2011... I had 3 days to adjust and over the course of the last year I have lost 45 pounds and added back apples, bananas, avocados and nuts in an appropriate number of servings to my calorie requirements.

    Protein is my friend. I eat protein for every breakfast - two eggs (hard boiled or anyway without additional cooking fat) and center my meals and snacks to include protein. Protein and water keep the hunger away. greek yogurt is my favorite dessert!

    Now I am a carb-o-phob. I eat carbs, but in limited quantifiable quantities, and never to "fill up"...

    give protein a chance! it worked for me.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You need to eat a decent combination of fat, fiber and protein to feel satiated after a meal or snack.

    If I eat just carbs or just protein, I'm starving after. But a veggie burger on whole wheat bread fills me up.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Foods that keep ME full ( or help )

    FF greek yogurt or any fat free yogurt - sometimes I like to add in granola or fresh fruit
    Brown rice
    Veggie burger with all the toppings ( no bun )
    Turkey Bacon
    Hard Boiled eggs
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    High protein and high fibre help me. And unprocessed foods. I also find that even one meal without proper nutrients and vitamins can leave me a bit of whack for a few days.

    I also find my hunger is best satiated when the protein and fibre come in a natural, unprocessed form. So lentils, beans, fruits and veggies for fibre (I have a gluten intolerance so I avoid most grains, but I am going to try gluten free oats when they arrive from the mail order place), meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs and cheese for protein.
  • The only way I can deal with hunger is to eat more food, but certain foods certainly keep me fuller longer. Just checked out your food diary. Looks like you eat a lot of sugar and refined carboydrates. Breads, fruits, cookies, jelly, etc., will not keep you full, no matter how many calories are in them. I would definitely recommend eating a lot more protein and a little more fat to feel satiated.

    And please, don't accept MFP macros as accurate.

    I have my macros at 40 carb, 30 fat and 30 protein. As a disclaimer, I added in my original post that the last few days have been all carbs.
  • The lowering carbs is a good tip, or at least getting them from better sources. Will focus on upping my protein, I know I have been lacking.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You are craving carbs because your body does not have enough energy from the food you have eaten as the carbs you are eating are poor quality.

    From what I know, things like bread and pastas are high GI which causes a sugar spike and probably the full feeling you are no doubt getting after you eat, but then you are hungry an hour later.

    To be honest, If I ate your diet for a few days, I would be hungry too. You are eating nothing that would fill you up (in a good way).

    I would cut back on the bread (pizza), pasta and cookies. All loaded with sugars and in my opinion, the more sugar you eat the more you crave.

    ^^^^This! You need to up your protein (lean meats, greek yogurt, eggs, cheese, fish), eat more fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains and cut way down the cookies.

    Why not try drinking water. Most of the time when you feel hungry, your body is simply dehydrated.
  • My sister suggested I eat only carbs that have 3g of fiber or more, and mostly that's what I eat now. It's great because my between-meat snacks are high tiber and keep my stomach happy until next meal, which is also high fiber where carbs are concerned. I've got to admit my attitude this time around has changed a lot from all the other times I've tried to manage my diet, and logging my food faithfully makes me more aware of what I'm eating. Try looking up your foods before you get them in your hand to eat and plan ahead. I eat pizza off and on but only 2 pieces instead of the 3 or 4 I used to. My son used to live on pizza and Subway, but even he has managed to cut back and eat better, and I can see the change in how healthy he looks, not to mention a little more weight lost every weekend when he comes home.

    Also, planning to eat at regular times and having snacks halfway between main meals really helps cravings. An apple is my snack of choice in the afternoon, keeps my sugar cravings. I always say sugar wants sugar, so eating candy just makes me want more.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Workout more so you can eat more.
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    spreadout your eating, drink more water, try almonds and bananas.