How to stop overeating! HELP!



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Opening your diary and logging it honestly helps.

    Weighing and measuring the quantity helps, and log it before you eat it. Logging BEFORE is a huge point because instead of just stuffing your face you can't help but think about the calories and for some reason, knowing how many calories helps take the fun out of the binge.

    Good luck. This is a battle only you can fight, but you can win. I used to be an emotional eater, too, and now when I want to do that, I get the "I'll be damned if I'm going to screw my diet up because of _______!" That's a very healthy mindset and I no longer have this problem. You can get there, too, but you have to want it and want it bad.

    This really helps me. I'm 100% honest with my diary and I pre-log and adjust accordingly if need be. I plan my meals for the week on Saturday and do all of my shopping on Sunday. I have a major dairy vice and everytime I get an urge to shave off a 1/4 Lb of cheddar and down it with a pint of whole milk, I just type it into my diary and see how absolutely horrible it usually passes. I also spend a lot of time looking into my kid's eyes knowing that they are my inspiration for this quest.
  • GoldenGopherDad
    GoldenGopherDad Posts: 31 Member
    I know its been said already, but for me having a game plan of what my meals for the day will be has been a HUGE help. I also force myself to list absolutely everything I eat. I have found that watching my daily allowance drop from something I ate on a whim really gets me to stop.

    Occasionally I do let things get away from me and then I just have to remind myself that tomorrow is a new day!