Removing hardware from ankle - Opinions/Thoughts?

Hello all! I'm very indecisive about a situation and am looking to random people on the internet to tell me their thoughts/personal stories, etc to try to help me decide! :)

Situation: almost 8 years ago I broke both leg bones down at the ankle. As a result I have a plate and 6 screws on the outside of my ankle and 2 screws on the inside. I've never had a problem with them until recently. 2 of the screws on the outside have been backing out for the past couple of years. Both of my kids (ages 6 and 3) are into ice skating and I can not put a skate on without a lot of pain because of those 2 screws. It also prevents me from being able to sit cross legged on the floor with them.

Options: I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday and my options are to remove just the 2 screws or take all the hardware out completely. It seems that the major difference would be the length of operation and type of anesthesia (sp?) and the amount of suture pain. Recovery time SEEMS to be about the same (6-8 weeks) as that's how long it takes for bone to grow back.

He tells me (if I remember correctly) that I should be able to put weight on it after about a week. The other problem I have is that it's my right ankle, which means no driving.

Problem: Not being able to drive with 2 working parents and 2 kids is not an option for me. In my mind just getting the 2 out results in quicker recovery time. BUT, in my heart I'd really love to get it all taken out because I CAN feel all of it when it's cold or damp (my ankle gets very achy).

Help! I'm looking for any thoughts/opinions/experiences that you all wonderful MFP people would like to share to help me make this decision!!

Thank you all!


  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    It may take some pre planning. But if you really want it all out, that's what I would shoot for. I would rather have one 6-8 week recovery time than two when/if you decide to get the rest removed later. I understand the driving thing, I have two kids, but I think with a little time to plan, I could pull off not being able to drive for a week or two. Good Luck :)
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    It may take some pre planning. But if you really want it all out, that's what I would shoot for. I would rather have one 6-8 week recovery time than two when/if you decide to get the rest removed later. I understand the driving thing, I have two kids, but I think with a little time to plan, I could pull off not being able to drive for a week or two. Good Luck :)

    I agree with being down once rather than twice. Can you have it done over the holidays when your husband is off and not being able to drive would be less of an inconvenience? I chose to have my gallbladder taken out Thanksgiving week for this very reason. Did not make such a great holiday for my but the rest of my family was not as impacted with me out of comission a it would have been during a more normal week.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I'd have it all out if at all possible. I had 2 pins in my knee after an accident and they started backing out after about 2 years. It was causing a thing like a blister on the inside of the muscle so it was great to get rid of those! That was only a 20 minute day surgery and I was able to walk on it immediately. Having the plate out would be more complicated for sure but I'd go for it if at all possible.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    It may take some pre planning. But if you really want it all out, that's what I would shoot for. I would rather have one 6-8 week recovery time than two when/if you decide to get the rest removed later. I understand the driving thing, I have two kids, but I think with a little time to plan, I could pull off not being able to drive for a week or two. Good Luck :)

    I agree with being down once rather than twice. Can you have it done over the holidays when your husband is off and not being able to drive would be less of an inconvenience? I chose to have my gallbladder taken out Thanksgiving week for this very reason. Did not make such a great holiday for my but the rest of my family was not as impacted with me out of comission a it would have been during a more normal week.

    Yes actually I'm having it on Dec. 20th and my husband is off Dec. 24 - Jan 3. It's more that second week that we're worried about when everyone goes back to work and school!

    Can anyone tell me of any experiences as to recovery time? For instance, how long before I can put weight on it? I THOUGHT the dr. said about a week, but I wanted to confirm that or hear from someone who might know for sure...
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
  • thinker540
    Although this is an old message board I used it to help me decide to remove my hardware. 18 months ago I broke my right fibula in 7 places and had 7 screws and a tight rope installed to help me heal. Since then I have had pain on both sides of the ankle. The anchor for the tight rope was causing pain on the left side of my ankle. On the right side something was sticking out at a 45 degree angle and rubbing against my boot. I was told I am at 85% use and my right foot is bigger than my left now.

    Despite some of the posts talking about all the issues I decided to get is al removed and I am currently almost 3 days since it was removed. I have it wrapped until I see the doc next week. I was able to put weight on it within hours of coming home but not full weight. I have been using a walker for stability but sometimes walk carefully without it. The only pain I have is my ankle bone rubbing against a plastic brace they put in place and some other minor pain. I am sure the Norcor (sp) helps but am using it less. I look forward to getting the 22 staples removed next week so I can drive. Doc says no restrictions but I know better than to be running around until the screw holes fill in, about 6 weeks and then I will still wear high boots to stabilize my ankle through the winter.

    I am anxious to see what it will be without the support and bandages supporting my leg. I plan to use a cane until I feel more stable.
    Two other factors helped me make a decision. First it was work related and totally covered and second I am 59 and did not want to deal with hardware removal ten years from now when I am older and would have to pay for myself.

    Suprisingly the most frustrating thing is the tubes stuck down my throat messed me up and that is what hurts the most.

    I will try to update this later on. My opinion is get the hardware removed if you have the chance but everyone is different.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I had a screw back out of my knee and I hopped up off the table in the recovery room to run around because it felt so good.

    (TMI if you don't want to read about gross wounds)

    The wound took a little time to heal because the screw had sliced a lot of bone slivers off while it was..well, screwing around in there. So they didn't stitch it closed and I had to pour hydrogen peroxide into it 3x daily until pieces stopped coming out. It was gross but not at all painful. Other than that there was really no recovery at all, just relief from the pain I'd had for so long.

    So, I can't advise you about taking it all out, but if you do just the screws you shouldn't have much downtime at all.

    ETA duh didn't realize it was a ghost post obviously