Any barefoot or minimalist footwear runners out there?!



  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    I tend to look about 5 to 10 feet ahead to give me time to adjust my path. Keeping my head up also helps with my posture while running.

    That makes more sense than what I wrote..looking down is not gonna cut it...
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, they have been very helpful. I put off my first barefoot run last night as I had an awful headache and was not sure how my feet would take the cold. Will try this afternoon, nice and sunny out now.

    About the proprioception, yes I had trouble with vibrams and my big toe, kept stubbing it, in the gym, when running and even walking at first. I realise that easing into it is the best thing or the ONLY thing to do, as the calves, ankles and feet have to adjust to the new running style. My first two attempts with vibrams were rather painful, but it is my over enthusiasm to blame, not the shoes themselves.

    My family think running barefoot is madness, the usual glass and stones and sharp things on the pavement and road come up all the time. But having read others' experiences, the injuries from sharp objects is rare if at all. Just have to keep eyes peeled a few inches in front of feet (I fell off my bicycle last year, breaking my right hand, so I am more cautious in looking out for obstacles than ever in any case).

    I am excited!!!

    The glass, stones, etc things is why I went with the Merrill trail minimal shoes. They work much better for that and you still get the benefits on barefoot running. So just choose a brand that specifically has a shoe that will be good for that. I run with mine along train tracks that has tons of rocks, glass, and everything else you can imagine and I never had any issues other than a minor ouch when I wasnt paying attention and stepped on a huge pointy rock!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I am new to barefoot running/minimalist shoes but I love it already. I concur with some of the other comments about an adjustment period to strengthen ankles/calf's.

    So far my barefoot running has been limited to the treadmill (it cold outside) but I intend to try it on an indoor running track soon!

    There is already a Vibram Group:

    Should we start a barefoot group as well?

    I am actually new to running overall (recently ran first 5k, doing first 5k on Jan 1st) but would like to continue with barefoot/minimalist technique as I increase my mileage. My goal is to run a marathon next summer.

    Feel free to add me if you wish!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I have the Merrell Dash and love them. I have only worked up to 2 miles, but I'm faster and more efficient than I ever was running with a traditional shoe (Went from a 21 min 2 mile to a 17:04 with a drop in max HR from ~200 to the 170's). I did run into an injury recently when I tried adding a compression sleeve to the calf in an attempt to increase my distance faster. Well, now I'm not running while the muscle heals. It has taken me time to work up the distance, but I actually enjoy running for the first time in my life. I burn through the first mile like it is nothing. Hopefully with the break from running I will be healed by January and will start building distance back. I wear my minimalist shoes all the time and am hoping to get a pair of Merrell's more dressy minimalist shoe soon.