Anyone try Chantix?? I need to quit smoking!!!



  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Thank you guys for the responses.. :)

    I really think I would like to try it. I've tried other things and they don't seem to work. I like that it has worked for most of you!
    I would also like Allen Carrs Easy Way....

    I'm a little scared of the dreams and sleep walking ... when my husband is gone on deployment I'm here taking care of 4 kids alone, I can't be out wandering the streets in a sleeping state :wink:
    I'm def waiting til he is back home!!!
  • lilreddress
    lilreddress Posts: 9 Member
    Okay, so how much is this Chantix? I know some of you are going to say that it pays for itself when you're not buying cigarettes, but I have a problem with shelling out a lot of money all at once versus $5 a day. I want to quit smoking but I have a huge irrational fear of becoming overweight. The other problem I have is that my boyfriend smokes, and last time I tried to quit, I picked it back up after 3 weeks simply because I couldn't stand the smell on him. I rathered being able to cuddle with him and everything than be a nonsmoker. Or maybe that's just what I used to justify my failure of quitting. I'm having a hard time losing weight with being a smoker now; so the fear of how much worse that could be when I quit is what keeps me from doing so. Help!