Free workout

newcs Posts: 717 Member
edited January 5 in Fitness and Exercise
I met with a personal trainer for a complimentary fitness assessment yesterday and figured I would share his intro workout for anyone who is looking for a new workout to try. It's not tailored for me, other than the weights involved.

Push ups (10 from your toes on the floor if possible, using a bench if not)
Marching bridges (10 each leg)
Bench dips (10 - lift each leg for 5 if it's too easy)
Pallof press (10 at 12.5lbs. Do 10 on left one circuit, switch to right next circuit)
Goblet squats (10 while holding 17.5lb dumbbell)
Dumbbell row (10 with 17.5lb dumbbell)
Side plank with hip abduction (10 each side)
Hammer curl to press with leg on bench (10 with 10lb dumbbell in each hand, switch legs from one circuit to the next, stand on one leg if you can)
1/2 bicycle (he says he made this up but it probably actually is something - lay on your back, left leg extended with foot off the floor, right leg bent 90 degrees at the knee with calf parallel to floor, left hand behind head, right hand on floor to stabilize. Crunch left elbow to right knee 10 times. Switch sides from one circuit to the next)

Repeat 3-4x

It's very light on legs but I think he left out some of the leg stuff since I run 3x a week. I'll be using some of this but definitely adding more legs.


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