Trust: Earn it or Give it



  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    One must buy my trust in installments.

    agreed......You're my new coworker and you wanna borrow $1 or for the vending machine or $5 for ya go. You offer to babysit my kid or watch my house while on vacation, no thanks.
  • RunningDirty
    Instinct. If my gut tells me to trust them then they get 50% and have to earn the rest.

    I trust my instinct as well and 50% seems a little less risky than being completely open to someone you don't quite know yet so this makes perfect sense.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Trust and Mistrust have to be earned. I don't give either to anyone or anything until evidence or behavior presents itself to show what is warranted.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I give all strangers an equal amount of trust with a few conditions.

    1. If my instincts, at any point, freak out. You lose that trust. For no other reason then I trust my gut.
    2. If you start to behave erratically you lose that trust. For no other reason then you're a freak.
    3. If you betray my trust when it comes to LITTLE thing (little white lies even), you lose that trust. Those who can't be trusted with little things, can't be trusted with big things.
    4. I will NOT extend that trust to others. So while I may give you the benefit of the doubt and may trust your word, I will not vouche for you or encourage others to trust you.

    Stranger trust is very limited.

    Friend trust is also limited.

    You have to become family before I will give you 100% trust.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I always listen to my gut, [and absent good reason to doubt them,] everyone starts at 100%.

    No one gets more than one chance.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I tend to trust people and believe what they tell me. However I think since I've started this job (court reporter) I've learned to spot the bullsh!t a little better. I see quite a range of people daily.