Eating for Energy

BeccaH42 Posts: 2 Member
I'm a stay at home mom of a three year old and a one and a half year old. I love it, but it can be extremely tiring, especially on those days when both girls insist on fighting over the same toys all day long. On those days when I'm feeling tired, I'm not very patient and I end of feeling like I'm spending all day shouting at them. Those are the days when, as soon as they are down for their naps, I grab the unhealthy snacks, or even healthy snacks sometimes. I'm usually not at all hungry at the time, since they go down for their naps right after lunch. But I feel like if I don't eat then and get a burst of sugar and such that I end up being crabby all day long.

I would love to lose this baby weight, but I would much rather be fat than mean to my babies. I know that getting actually into the habit of exercising regularly will boost my energy, but does anyone have any other tips as to what I can do to not end up tired and crabby?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    What's your calorie goal?
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    For me, losing some weight has helped my energy. But the other thing was making sure I get enough protein. A good balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs makes me feel full for longer, and I feel like I have more stamina. That helps me avoid the sugar rush cravings.

    The other thing I do is plan out an allotment of my daily calories for specific snacks at the time of day when I know I will get the munchies. If I've planned for it, then I make better snack choices, and it still fits my calories.
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    Have healthy snacks already prepared...if you are hungry and stressed, the easiest thing to grab is processed foods. If you have something healthy already prepared, you have a better chance to make a healthier choice.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Maybe if you tried substituting some exercise when your little ones are napping, it would give you a place to work out some frustrations. It might brighten your mood and also lure you away from those snacks. If you are hungry after your workout, then get a snack to munch on. Sounds like you really need something to ward off the stress, exercise can be perfect for that. It will help you lose weight, provide you some extra calories you can eat without guilt, and increase your energy levels.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    You've got your hands full with two little ones. When they go down for a nap it's natural for you to want to have a treat or at least some me-time. Try to make it non-food. A luxury bubble bath, a read of an interesting magazine or book, watch some TV you've missed maybe, phone a friend or if you feel like it you could do an exercise DVD. If it's just after lunch you don't really need the sugar, you just want it to help you feel better. There are better ways to make yourself feel better. Also when the children are awake get out of the house, go to the park, meet up with other stay at home Mums, go to a toddler group or something. All these things will improve your mood and keep you busy so you are not thinking about food all the time. I know how it is, my youngest is only 4 so it's not long ago that I was in your position. When your other half is at home, make sure you take some time out for yourself. I go running, half an hour or so away from everything feels like a treat, but pick something you want to do, for yourself. Hope this helps

  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    When you lay the girls down for a nap, instead of reaching for the snack, do some quick (quiet) exercises instead. Sounds like you know you need to do it anyway, no time like the present to start. Run up and down the stairs a few times, do a few push ups, whatever to get your blood moving. Then, grab something small and healthy to eat.
  • Ruxie
    Ruxie Posts: 21 Member
    What I do is I make sure that there are no unhealthy foods in my house, because I recognize that my weakness is to eat those foods, so I let myself only have a few things like popcorn that I can make (from kernels, not the kind drenched in butter), and every now and then tortilla chips and I make a salsa from fresh veggies to go with it. It won't be as sugary as what you're used to, but it is the best choice for your body. :) Now that I've been doing that for a while, I don't even want those unhealthy things as much. It's kind of liberating! <3
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