New to blogging!

Hi everyone! So I am blogging to get more friends on here. Me and a couple of the girls I work with have started a pact to lose some weight! At last weigh in I was currently 142.6. I would like to get around 130 so I dont have much more to go but it seems the hardest! I see all these stories or drastic weight loss and it motivates me! Friend me, and or give me ideas on how you lose weight. Thanks everyone! Happy losing!


  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
    I used to never blog but I have recently started on here. I feel like just helps me get my thoughts and feelings out. Which in times of frustration can really help. :)
  • plaingirly
    I have a blogspot blog but haven't tried having one on here.

    I think it might be motivating but at the same time I don't want to neglect my other blog!
  • afatwomanonamission
    I've been blogging here, but I've been cheating a bit: I cross-post between my blogs since my support groups are separate. When it's applicable to post here, I will, and if the post is otherwise more apt for my family and friends, I just post there... I think it's important to be able to chart your progress through your emotions as much as through your charting of numbers.