2 weeks in and I already need some postive energy!

mfinley82 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all!

I've been logging in my daily info to My Fitness Pal for about two weeks, and I'm already getting a little impatient with not losing quickly. Or jumping back up a pound + than the day before. I know it takes time and commitment to lose weight in a healthy way. I'm burning at least 600 calories a day (about 5 days a week) and staying on track with my given calories...but I have always had a struggle with my weight, so it's hard to not get down about it all.

So what do you guys do to stay positive? To stay supportive of yourself and continue to invest in your health no mater how hard the road may be to you goal?


  • The first thing I can tell you is to NOT weigh yourself daily. Pick one day a week and in the morning weigh yourself then. If you check daily, you will get frustrated quick. Be patient - you can do it! If you only weigh yourself once every week or every other week, you'll see more of a change. Hang in there - baby steps add up over time!

    good luck :)
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    First of all, dont weigh every day.. no more than once a week I totally get the frustration with the numbers... but your weight will fluctuate due to many factors, water, sodium, time of day, etc etc.

    Pick a day of the week, one day, weigh first thing in the morning after using the restroom.. then, work hard all week, then weigh yourself the same day the follwoing week. When you are only losing 1-2 pounds a week you will have alot of fluctuations that you cannot really control... so once a week should suffice. It is hard, I KNOW, but you can do it.


    edit: someone beat me to it by seconds LOL
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Just keep swimming.


    Realize that your weight WILL change every day. It's to be expected. So either stop weighing yourself every day, or use it as an opportunity to learn about your body and how it changes. I weigh myself every day, so now when I see an increase I don't panic. Because I know that I'm exercising and eating right- so I can write it off as water fluctuations. I weigh myself every Monday morning, under the same circumstances (before I shower, before I've eaten, after I've used the bathroom, while in my underwear) and that's the weight I record and log into this site. That shows my how much I've 'really' lost in one week.

    You mentioned you're staying on track with given calories and burning 600 calories through exercise.... make sure you're eating those exercise calories, kay? If your given calories are 1200 and you're burning 600, your body will 'think' it's only getting 600 calories per day. It's a great way to do harm to your metabolism and can actually hinder weight loss.

    How long have you been working out 5 days per week? Because if this is new to you, your body is probably holding on to water. This is common, often happening when a person starts a new workout routine. Your muscles are 'shocked'. If this is the case, give it a week or so and your muscles will let go of the water weight.

    I find the best way to stay positive is just to take things a day at a time. Realize you WILL have setback- everyone does. How you handle those setbacks is what is going to determine whether or not you have success. Find/join a group of like-minded people to keep you supported and motivated. If you slip up and eat too much, don't consider your whole day a write-off... it can be salvaged! Don't put things off for tomorrow what can be done today.

    Lastly, don't expect it will happen quickly. I can see from your profile you've lost 3 pounds in two weeks- that's a great accomplishment. A pound and a half a week is GOOD. It's not healthy to lose more than 2 pounds per week (unless you're extremely overweight). Remember that you didn't get to your current weight overnight, and you won't get to your target weight overnight, either. It's a process.

    Keep your head up high, and just... keep swimming. You'll get there.
  • Just keep at it yes. Patience is not my strong suit either, so I understand where you are coming from, and I am not quite two weeks in myself. I read the success stories for inspiration, and even if weight or inches aren't dropping off yet, I try and notice the little thinigs that remind me I am on the right track. The exercise makes me drink more water, gets me a better nights sleep. Like they say , it's a lifestyle change, and that just doesn't happen overnight.

    Keep moving, keep feeding your body healthy food, and trust it will thank you. Anyway, thats my plan.
  • Just hang in there! I know it's hard but instead of just watching your calories pay attention to your carbs, protein and sugar (lower your carbs than what MFP allows you, I go 100 or less and try to double your protein). I too have always struggled with my weight and so far I have lost 44lbs since November. What I do to stay positive is my friends and co-workers help me out in keeping track of where I am at. Try and get something going with friends I know when I first started trying to lose I was in a bet with family members of who would lose the most ( I am very competitive) and it made it challenging. Keep it going and don't give up, you can do it!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    It is tough and hard to keep motivation going. I understand but keep at it!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I agree that maybe you shouldn't weigh daily (however I weighed myself twice today...big mistake). Just remember all the reasons you are doing this. You didn't gain all the weight overnight and you can't expect to lose it all in one day either. I worked hard for a long time gaining this weight but now is my time to work hard and prove to myself that I am a priority in my own life and I deserve to lose this and be healthy. Just know that you have all the support you could ever want on this site! I was talking about this site to my husband today and he told me he was jealous of me because of how much my attitude has changed and my desire to be healthy! That made my day (and made me want to help him). Just think, even the contestants on Biggest Loser have off weeks and they have personal trainers, all access to gym equipment and nutritional help. No one is perfect and this journey is a marathon not a sprint!!!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    The first thing I can tell you is to NOT weigh yourself daily. Pick one day a week and in the morning weigh yourself then. If you check daily, you will get frustrated quick. Be patient - you can do it! If you only weigh yourself once every week or every other week, you'll see more of a change. Hang in there - baby steps add up over time!

    good luck :)

    I weigh myself daily ..... BUT......I only record it on Saturdays. I have a scale that that shows tenths of pounds so I like to watch even part of a pound go away. That said.....If you are stressing about going up a pound from one day to the next I would agree to the suggestion of not weighing every day.

    One more thing that I try to keep to the front of my mind......I didn't put on the weight overnight so I can't expect it to come off overnight. If I only lose one pound per week I consider it a good week.
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    Hey! Hang in there! Lots of things are going on, especially if you're working out! As others have said, don't weight everyday--just once every week or two--you'll make yourself crazy otherwise. Have you taken any measurements? Sometimes, especially when you're working out you gain muscle mass while you're burning fat, but your measurements might reflect a change. Make sure you're drinking enough water. I know my body was in shock when I first started working out again.
  • First of all - So many responses in about 10 mins! I have a feeling that this site is going to be a very good tool for all this, so thank you!

    Ok. So I will STOP weighing myself every day. I'll pick a day and make sure that the conditions are the same each week. And try to breath a little more about it all...sigh...

    Please let me know any more tips you have! I know some of my friends have a "every 5lbs get s pedicure" or a whole week of being within your calories gets you a guilty please movie on sundays :-)

    Thanks again, I will try to just be easier with myself!
  • Ditto. All that these folks have said is so true. Weigh only once a week and try not to lose focus. Keep trying and don't give up.
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