I need tips and tons of support and motivation!

Hi my name is Ashley and I'm 18 years old, and a junior in high school
I weigh about 180 lbs, and I'm not very happy about it I don't quite know how I should start... What should I be eating? What was should I do to motivate myself to workout? What workouts I should be doing?! I want to reach my weight goal of 115- 120 by the time I graduate. I have no access to any equipment, and can't afford a trainer or memberships. Any support or tips would be great! Lets hope I can do this!


  • This is my first time on MFP and I have a similar amount of weight to lose as you!

    This is the FIRST time ever that I have been excited about losing weight and getting healthy.

    Firstly I would log EVERYTHING you eat and just try to stay on or under the calorie goal set for you. Once you get used to this start taking out unhealthy food and replacing it with healthier choices.

    I don't go to a gym but I just bought some weights and have an exercise bike. Oh and I go to Zumba! Find something you enjoy. I had convinced myself for years that I HATED exercise but recently discovered that I LOVE Zumba! There is something out there for everyone. Even if you start with walking a little more than you usually do - log it here. Just being on MFP and the forum is motivating for me!
  • what i would do is definately keep a food and exercising journal.
    2nd, what i do is literally research for hours all together on finding the exercises that i personally would need to either maintain on some areas and work on the others. I have found tons of research, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask anytime!
  • kaypat09
    kaypat09 Posts: 130 Member
    You should be eating foods you like- preferably healthy foods, whole grains, high protein, lots of vegetables, etc. Make sure you're eating enough. My advice is to not eat below 1200 calories a day, you'll mess up your metabolism.

    You should be doing workouts that you enjoy doing. Find something you like, and do it! Any type of activity will help you! You should be able to use your high school's gym, at least that's how it worked at my school. Anyways, you could always try out workout videos like 30DayShread.

    You can do it.

  • CmeATtheGym
    CmeATtheGym Posts: 26 Member
    If you have access to your local library, you can borrow any number of exercise videos . I would start there and try the free DVD's. I totally love Zumba, kickboxing and Leslie Sansone walk at home video's. If your lucky and have a game system ( wii/xbox) you can sometimes borrow fitness games - my favorite again is Zumba Fitness or any of the Biggest Loser series. Lastly , have a look at YOU TUBE, for even more variety , every workout you can imagine is on YOU TUBE. Good luck on your journey and be sure to track your food and exercise to keep you honest to yourself.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    like other poeple have said log everything, don't go below 1200 calories and you don't need a GYM to lose weight I walk and I have only been on here for 3 months.