New to the board

Hi my name is April and I have been using fitness pal for awhile but haven't been faithful until just recently. About a month ago my doctor told me that my cholesterol is very high/low depending on which type. I need to lose weight so I have been trying to be faithful to tracking all my foods. It's hard to stay under my calorie goals some days but for the most part I am not doing too bad. I work out 3-5 days a week depending on how I am feeling, I have cut out almost all sugars with the exception of a treat here and there. The problem is unlike some people who say they are never hungry I am hungry all the time. I eat yogurts, nuts, berries, fresh fruits, cheese, granola bars, other proteins and still feel hungry. Wondering if anyone has ideas on how to curb the hungries.


  • kdevitis
    kdevitis Posts: 2 Member
    Nice to meet you Im dingle. I joined track my calories and cut down food. I binge so this has helped me stop. Try eating filling foods full of protien, which i see you already have done. Protien will give you more energy and less hunger:) Hope that helps, and im new too
  • I would first start out by doing a little research!...yogurts, cheese and granola bars are very BAD!!! The key to curbing appetite is combining the right amount of protiens and carbs...a granola bar more than likey has around 10-20 carbs in it...unless its home therfore your metabolism kicks into overdrive to try and eat up all those carbs and then 15 mins later your hungry again....try eating an apple or a couple slices of turkey for a snack something with a lil less carb in it...and also eat a good breakfast! Studies show the better breakfast you eat the fuller you stay throughout the day...I eat 3-6 small meals a day breakfast snack lunch snack dinner and snack...and Im hardly ever hungry!!
    If that does not work...try getting some type of appetite suppresant! Hope this helps!!
  • Hi April!
    I'm totally new to MFP having just got the app a couple of days ago. I know how you feel as I'm always hungry too!
    I try to eat proteins every 3 hours or so which keeps hunger at bay quite well :) and keeps the metabolism going.

    I'd appreciate any tips from you guys aswell in relation to using the app and website :smile:
  • danderson0712
    danderson0712 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello April, I am new to this website and I absolutely love it, mostly because it's FREE! I have used Weight Watchers many times and didn't feel it did more for me than this website. I need to lose 20lbs and I think I'm actually going to do it! I have the same problem you do, I used to feel hungry all the time and constantly wanted to snack, but I was snacking on the wrong things. My doctor suggested protein, if you try the snack protein bars, they will make you feel full until your next meal. I buy the following snacks and they are 100 calories: South Beach whipped peanut butter bars; slim fast peanut butter bars or chocolate and vanilla; muscle milk (a 100 drink) and this really fills me up.

    I hope this helped, let me know if you decide to try them and if they worked.

  • Hello April, I am new to this website and I absolutely love it, mostly because it's FREE! I have used Weight Watchers many times and didn't feel it did more for me than this website. I need to lose 20lbs and I think I'm actually going to do it! I have the same problem you do, I used to feel hungry all the time and constantly wanted to snack, but I was snacking on the wrong things. My doctor suggested protein, if you try the snack protein bars, they will make you feel full until your next meal. I buy the following snacks and they are 100 calories: South Beach whipped peanut butter bars; slim fast peanut butter bars or chocolate and vanilla; muscle milk (a 100 drink) and this really fills me up.

    I hope this helped, let me know if you decide to try them and if they worked.


    Hey danderson0712,
    I'd be careful with those snacks your consuming. I recenlty went to a seminar about how toxins from processed foods can affect the body and they can significantly impact your weight loss efforts - perhaps not now but when you're trying to get down to those last few kilos. Toxins from processed foods are stored in fat to keep them away from vital organs when your liver etc is too overloaded by them; this makes it very hard to burn this fat later on as your body doesn't want those toxins being released back into your system (there's obviously a lot more to it but you get the gist).

    I've seen most people achieve fantastic results by eating clean; cutting out processed crap from your diet and eating right. I'd try clean proteins instead of processed April; such as chicken, salmon, nuts, quinoa, kangaroo meat etc.
  • I should add that I have no idea what's in the bars etc but as a general rule I try to stay away from processed foods