1200 calories feels too little



  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    your main concern should be the fact that you want to lose 15-20 pounds, not that 1200 isnt enough.

    you're probably skinny fat.
    eat at maintenance or JUST below and lift heavy weights.


    I'm not sure you understand what skinny fat means. It is a condition where a person is within a healthy weight (or underweight) but with a disproportionally high body fat percentage. OP has said nothing to suggest that she has an abnormally high body fat percentage. Frankly, it's kind of insulting that you would suggest that there's an issue with her physique that she hasn't indicated is at all true.

    Well from OP's desired weight loss, even being at the weight she is now, they probably assumed she didn't like how she looked, and "skinny fat" can be a likely possibility. Call it a guess. Because honestly, when you're that short and at that weight, you shouldn't be wanting to lose 20 pounds.

    thank you, that is exactly what i meant.

    settle down people.

    i know a lot of people that lose lose lose eat less less less and arent happy with their body because they lack muscle.

    i was speaking from personal experience. i was 165 lbs and ate 1100-1400 calories got down to 125 lbs and was still not happy. i was SKINNY FAT! no muscle. i am now 140 lbs and much happier.

    so "sorry" for making assumptions. ill quit trying to help.

    no need to RAGE quit...such drama
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    your main concern should be the fact that you want to lose 15-20 pounds, not that 1200 isnt enough.

    you're probably skinny fat.
    eat at maintenance or JUST below and lift heavy weights.


    I'm not sure you understand what skinny fat means. It is a condition where a person is within a healthy weight (or underweight) but with a disproportionally high body fat percentage. OP has said nothing to suggest that she has an abnormally high body fat percentage. Frankly, it's kind of insulting that you would suggest that there's an issue with her physique that she hasn't indicated is at all true.

    Well from OP's desired weight loss, even being at the weight she is now, they probably assumed she didn't like how she looked, and "skinny fat" can be a likely possibility. Call it a guess. Because honestly, when you're that short and at that weight, you shouldn't be wanting to lose 20 pounds.

    thank you, that is exactly what i meant.

    settle down people.

    i know a lot of people that lose lose lose eat less less less and arent happy with their body because they lack muscle.

    i was speaking from personal experience. i was 165 lbs and ate 1100-1400 calories got down to 125 lbs and was still not happy. i was SKINNY FAT! no muscle. i am now 140 lbs and much happier.

    so "sorry" for making assumptions. ill quit trying to help.

    Ignoring the defensive snark...calling someone skinny fat is actually pretty insulting. You have absolutely nothing to base that on except her wish to lose 20lb. How do you know that the 20lb is not her best guess and she really only wants to lose 10lb but has no idea how she will look so is guessing 20lb?. We all adjust our goals as we get close to our desired body composition. Also, she may have a case of BDD but that does not mean she is skinny fat at all (and I am not saying she does). Your 'probably' statement was in the present tense and at her current weight and height she is well within a healthy BMI. YOU may nave been skinny fat, but please do not project what you were on others without enough information to ascertain that.

    I do not disagree that losing 20lb would probably be unhealthy, but your advice, which was good imo, could be coached in a different way i.e. leaving out the derogatory term.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Huh, did not know the term "skinny fat" was so derogatory. I just thought it was word people randomly threw around. Learn something new that offends people everyday..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Huh, did not know the term "skinny fat" was so derogatory. I just thought it was word people randomly threw around. Learn something new that offends people everyday..

    It has the word skinny and the word fat in it.....
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Huh, did not know the term "skinny fat" was so derogatory. I just thought it was word people randomly threw around. Learn something new that offends people everyday..

    It has the word skinny and the word fat in it.....

    I dunno, I wouldn't really care personally, if I were called skinny fat. But then again that's just me. I do realize people get offended easily, sometimes.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Huh, did not know the term "skinny fat" was so derogatory. I just thought it was word people randomly threw around. Learn something new that offends people everyday..

    It has the word skinny and the word fat in it.....

    I dunno, I wouldn't really care personally, if I were called skinny fat. But then again that's just me. I do realize people get offended easily, sometimes.

    It is basically used to define someone who has a perceived 'less than ideal body composition'. I am not easily offended at all and the last thing anyone would call me is skinny fat so this is not about me at all, but I am a little confused as to how you do not see it as insulting. I mean, its thrown around here all the time as something to strive not to be.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I dunno, I guess I don't really put much meaning to it. I've only heard it used in real life like, once, so its just kind of a made up term to me.

    Bottom line though, I think OP has received plenty of advice for her predicament. Hopefully she'll see that 95 pounds is not the healthiest weight. Strength training at this point is a good piece of advice :)
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    I see these threads everyday and each person is critised for wanting to lose weight when it is assumed they are already tiny... This is not always the case! For me I'm 5'2" and 100lbs, due to the fact that I haven't lifted heavy I still look larger than 100lbs with my weight held in my legs and bum. The gym has not been an option for me but I've now completed 30DS and started RI30 to help reduce my body fat percentage. I wouldn't recommend losing weight the way I have which was eating below 1200 and no exercise calories for a long time but I would advise to read a lot, google, forums etc to gain an overall view of what options are out there, if you want a toned body then lift, if you want the scale number to be low then do cardio and eat at a maximum 20% deficit under your TDEE, enter your details into the road map spread sheet and follow the advise given. Even after 285 days of logging and a 30lb loss I'm still learning everyday and understand that everyone has to start somewhere. Even though you've seen these threads hundreds of times before and are frustrated by them, the OP is new and isn't aware of this ongoing issue!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    1200 cals/day will always be too low for someone who eats a lot of candy and junk. Make smarter choices, eat 1200 cals worth of whole grains, lean protein, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit. Stay away from the junk. Learn that an "indulgence" is not multiple squares of chocolate throughout the day, but one or two squares every four or five days. 1200 calories a day is totally doable, (given your height and activity level) if you eat foods that will actually fill you up instead of spiking your blood sugar and then crashing, making you even hungrier than before you ate.
  • Chan1122
    Chan1122 Posts: 12 Member
    Once you start exercising the calories you get will increase because it will get added to your daily total in your food journal. I'm sorry if some people criticized you for wanting lose that amount of weight. However,some people may have been coming from a place of concern as opposed to criticism. Things I encourage you to do. As opposed to just focusing on the weight benefits of being healthy consider other benefits. Maybe you want to exercise so you can sleep better at night or alleviate monthly cramps. Or you want to exercise so your heart can be healthy. Or you want to dance to help build stronger bones. Re-evaluate why you really want to weigh 100 lbs. Has your doctor told you that you BMI is high? Do you have any type of illness that would be helped if you lost 15 to 20 lbs? You are probably already fabulous but your eyes just can't see it because of what you use to be. In addition to your dance classes I would challenge you to try a pilates or a yoga class. Not only are these type of classes good for your body...but so so so so good for the mind as well. Good luck.
  • lalionne
    lalionne Posts: 47 Member
    Huh, did not know the term "skinny fat" was so derogatory. I just thought it was word people randomly threw around. Learn something new that offends people everyday..

    It has the word skinny and the word fat in it.....

    I dunno, I wouldn't really care personally, if I were called skinny fat. But then again that's just me. I do realize people get offended easily, sometimes.

    i have been called skinny fat before, and i realized they are right! that's how i feel right now...totally skinny fat. it's because you can't really see it in my face, arms, legs...i have a small upper body & i am 5'10" and carry my weight well. BUT i am about 30 pounds over weight and everyone still thinks i am thin. my stomach/hips/butt/thighs have plenty of chub! i am soooo skinny fat, so i totally understand why people use this term.

    but since we can't see what the OP looks like and how her weight is distributed, you definitely can't make that assumption about her though...