Found a reason!

I'm 42 yrs old and I start myfitnesspal And quit smoking and dieting in September not a good idea. I want to ride my bike in a race in 2014 and I needed to do both in order to ride it. I started out at 268 I'm down to 234 but I start smoking this month and I had minor surgery on my bladder last week. During the summer I would get up at 3 or4 am and ride my bike. At first I could only ride it for 15 minutes. Now I can ride it for hours and ride 10 miles easy. My fitness pal at times was my fitness fiend. It seemed like I was counting calories and exceeding limits by have one meal. Now it's like brushing my teeth. I see a nutritionist.

I consider gastric surgery but it wasn't for me. It works for many but I didn't think I was ready for that. I can't exercise because of my recent surgery but I've managed to stay under my calorie goals. I walk several times a day but am frustrated that I can't ride.

I found working towards a goal outside of myself has helped me. I'm fitting into my old close and I can't wait until I get into my skinny jeans. I hope everyone can find something to motivate them to drop the weight. Perhaps for your kids or your own pair of skinny jean. Maybe find your own race to ride or run. They say you should do it for yourself but that hasn't worked for me my entire life.

So keep moving and tomorrow is a new day. I wish you the strength and motivation to lose the weight you need to.

Good Luck